Last weekend when Mr E and I, grande size coffees in hand, drove from garage sale to garage sale in the early morning light, we were sorely disappointed.
"Slim pickin's again" said Mr E after a 2 hour jaunt around town.
But all was not lost. At our final stop, where we almost did not get out of the car to have a look-see, I found a vintage child's popover apron for $1.
Mr E gave me a quizzical look as I handed over my lonely coin but once I'd explained my plan to use it as pattern he was rather more understanding - well as understanding as a man who has no interest in sewing can be...
Blossom on the other hand was VERY excited about my plan and drooled over the vintage find.
I measured it up against Cully May yesterday when they were here for lunch and it just needs to be about 2" shorter, so I've gathered some vintage style fabrics from my stash and hope to have a few made for her birthday on Friday...
Because Bloss shares my love of vintage and retro I've decided that a few crochet embellished pockets will add that something extra to the popover aprons.
We think these will be perfect for our tropical climate. Cully May can wear them over a t-shirt or blouse with a little pair of shorts or frilly bloomers.
If this works out I may draw up the pattern outline for you?
Last Friday I drove north to visit my dear friend Rosie for a day of laughter, heart-to-heart sharing, good food and crafting.
It had been over six weeks since our last catch-up, far too long, so we had a lot to chat about. I love how easily the conversation always directs itself to home, family, baking, sewing and womanhood - all inspiring topics that we embrace.
In previous visits I've been drawn to Rosie's skill with papercraft, sighing with delight at the beautiful memory books she makes yet never seeing the 'how' of her hobby.
This was all to change last Friday.
After morning tea I brought out my embroidery ready to stitch and Rosie gathered the bits and pieces for her latest papercraft project and set everything up opposite me on the large dining table.
She made it look so easy and yet I knew it had taken years of experience to be so deft with every step of the process.
To say I was entranced is an understatement and you can be sure that not much stitching was done on my side of the table.
Rosie has a far more detailed post on her blog and I'd love you to hear about all the extras that are added to her memory books and read why she makes them.
After sharing my baking last week and earlier this week I've been swamped with requests for the Matrimony Slice recipe as well as the meaning behind the name.
The base and topping are the same recipe but between them is a luscious layer of thick jam...
You press half the base into the slice tray, then spread the jam before pressing the remaining half of the slice mixture over the top.
The base and top are representative of a husband and wife.
The jam in the middle is the love which binds them together.
Matrimony Slice is our family's favourite of all slice recipes and disappears rather quickly. In fact I'm baking more this afternoon.
If you'd like to make it I have prepared the recipe sheets for you in both retro and pastel bunting style...
...with a simple and sweet stitchery design on the last page so you can stitch while your treat is in the oven.
It's even 'matrimony' inspired.
I have some popover aprons to sew, a matrimony slice and another loaf of bread to bake so I'd best sign off and let you get on with your own day.
We really like this yummy soy linseed loaf so I'll probably make that again...
Thanks for dropping by and journeying with me in this rather lovely, sometimes challenging, but always life giving gentle domestic life. Even though I work from home in my design business it's the working 'for' home that brings me the greatest satisfaction.
And I believe this is just as it should be. Dorothy was right when she said, "there's no place like home".
Your comments, thoughts, experiences shared and encouragements offered, water the seeds of my own growth as a wife, homemaker, woman, mother, nana and craftswoman. You bless me more than you realise and it's my desire to be that blessing to you too.
I hope today the fruits of your hand and heart overflow with goodness,
Oh Jenny, that popover apron! My grandmother sewed me one when I was little and I wore mine all the time :) And big thank you for sharing the matrimony slice recipe-- I'll have to make that this weekend! I just love the meaning behind the name.
Thank you for another great recipe Jenny. Love the apron ...That's a wonderful find. It will look great in those vintage looking fabrics. I remember wearing lil aprons like that growing up. We called them pinafore's also if I remember correctly...
Thank you for the recipe Jenny, I'll make one tomorrow in ready for a visit to my friends house on Friday, sounds delicious.
Glad your day wasn't a total failure LOL. The apron is a great idea and those fabrics will look so sweet on Cully May. Mr E sounds like he does understand your sewing. My hubby is very knowledgeable about mine and has a great eye for fabric placement in a quilt. He is always interested in what I am stitching. Maybe it is because he has his own hobby . Enjoy making those aprons for Cully. Can't believe she is almost one year old!
Somewhere - tucked away - I am certain I have a grown up version of that popover apron Jenny ... mine is orange gingham & I am sure from memory it has brown bias binding around it!!! I think it was an op shop find several years ago. thanks for the wonderful recipes. Xxx
Thank you for sharing the stories today. They have made me smile. Yesterday I was able to buy some of the new range of Tilda. I now have to sew the baby-to-come's dress.
Thank you for another great recipe to try - and for the cute stitchery attached. Can't wait to see the little aprons on Cully May and her joyous face when she receives them. That is a very cute pattern. Rosie's Memory Books are a real treasure.
Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for being so generous with us . Have a wonderful rest of week.
I love to sew aprons! Just recently, I saw a neighbor tending her garden and she was wearing the same pop-over style. I think that the addition of some crochet and applique is lovely!
Loved your blog, love to have pattern to the apron, What a awesome find. Love to make one adult size also. Wouldn't that be fun?
Love your post Jenny Would love the pattern for the sweet apron... So far I have made your strawberry shortcake, Raspberry & coconut slices... Both so yummy family loved them both and tonight I am going to make the Matrimony slices... they sound truly delicious... Thank you for sharing so much with us all... May x
That apron was a steal at $1 - what a find! Can't wait to see your version, dear Jenny, I know it will be gorgeous. Heather's craft is gorgeous.
Oi boa tarde!! seus aventais vão ficar lindos!! Eu ainda quardo oque minha avó costurou pra mim a 35 anos!!! Adoro seu blog. um beijo da Eliane direto do Brasil.
Thank you always for your blog. Looking forward to seeing the "vintage" tops for Cully.
Now, your soy linseed this a recipe that you can share with us? I looked all over the net for a loaf as gorgeous as yours and did not find one.
Keep blogging - we're reading.
Wonderful Jenny. What a delightful post.
That popover (we call them pinnies - short for pinafore) reminded me of the school dinner ladies they all wear them here. Did you ever see the hilarious Victoria Wood series Dinner Ladies? They worked in a factory canteen all wore them too. Our minds must think alike as soon as I saw the pinafore I thought exactly what you did that you could make a pattern for one with it.
I was in Durham Cathedral yesterday and looking at the fantastic embroideries they have there & thought how much you would enjoy seeing them. There's a team of broderers as they call them who make some wonderful items for the cathedral. I can't believe the work they produce. Then I saw the medieval embroideries retrieved from the coffin of St Cuthbert again I couldn't believe people could produce such tiny stitches & they just had candles for light in the evening. Shame I can't photograph them for a blog post.
That recipe looks so tasty might have to make it even though I'm trying to cut down! Thansk for a lovely post. You never fail to inspire Jenny.
Hi Jenny
Thanks for the explanation about the matrimony slice. Now that I see the jam filling it makes perfect sense to be called by that name.
I love the cute apron. I would love the pattern-could it be translatable to an adult version as I am looking for a simple, quick and easy, apron pattern to make for myself.
Jam Slice will be served the next time my applique group meets here!
And that bread!! Ohh, could I use a slice of that goodness. You wouldn't consider flying over with that by any chance?
Can't wait to see how your rendition of the vintage apron turns out. How lovely that you have a wee one to dress.
The name makes sense now! Thanks for the recipe, too, with it's perfect matching stitchery! I love the birthday pictures. So funny to think that your sweet little one is already rushing about on two feet! Beautiful seeing your friend's delightful papercraft. Way beyond any skill I have even in card making. =)
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