Saturday, August 5, 2017

One year on and taking stock...

Blossom's little angel turned one on Friday, a very joyous one. 
Cully May is a light that never goes out, a little girl who liberally sprinkles laughter, cuddles and sheer delight over everyone she meets, but especially over us, her family. 

We spent the big day wandering the aquarium with Blossom's friend Laura and her little girl, Charlotte. Cully May adores Charlotte and they were so gentle and sweet together that there was a lot of   'awww, how cute are they'  from us adults. Charlotte, who is 8 months older, would run here and there to look at the fish and Cully May would take off after her, walking very fast but not able to run quite as fast as her heart wanted her to go. Such a precious time we had, but also a very calm and relaxing birthday outing. 

The photo below was taken walking through the big shark tank...

I love that Blossom follows her instincts and plans what is best for Cully May. 

A birthday party would have added a lot of stress to the day, whereas she wanted Cully to enjoy the celebration completely relaxed with no outside pressure, just giving her little girl a safe place to run, laugh, be inquisitive and entranced. The aquarium did just that. 

Among her gifts was the popover I told you I planned to make earlier this week. 
The fabric choice changed due to the amount needed, but my it turned out pretty!

As I no longer have a car Mon-Fri using what fabrics and trims are already at home is essential.
There was no bias binding in my stash so for the edges I used a large piece of pink gingham and made my own. 

More of the pink gingham became the front pocket and I added a hexie and button for extra cuteness.

Blossom was thrilled with the popover and Cully May will wear it when she comes to visit next week. 

I'm taking another little break from blogging as of today. 
The past month has seen my body and mind pushed beyond it's limits and the migraines are coming thick and fast along with chronic fatigue.

Next week I'm going to focus on eating only vegetables and fruit, sleep as much as my body requires, and generally treat my body with the respect it needs to mend.

My love for baking has been so personally satisfying of late that I've been neglecting the salads, juices and smoothies which used to be a normal part of our daily menu and I know this has contributed to my health decline, as well as gifted an unwanted weight gain.

It's not an easy thing, regardless of what health gurus may say, to eat 'clean' all the time, to avoid sugar completely, and to only partake of sweet delights on rare occasions.
Food, comfort food, is in my DNA. It brings me such emotional JOY to cook for my loved ones the old family favourites of my childhood and of theirs, so it won't will just slow. 
Soon enough I shall again enjoy them as treats in small quantities, complimenting the greater dietary needs of the lovely salads and plant based goodies I also know how to make.  

For a little while I simply ignored the need to balance both, so being away from the blog and spending a week (perhaps more) nourishing my body, spending more time in God's word, and sleeping if I need, is the prescription I intend to follow.

May your health be blessed, your mind clear, your heart happy and your hopes fulfilled...

till next time,


Anonymous said...

Well, God bless you Jenny and I hope you're feeling better very soon. The popover is lovely as is Cully - I LOVE her name. We'll see you when we see you. Enjoy your time away. I too break and spend time with God. It's important. :)

Julie said...

Hello my friend ... I do hope you take good care of yourself & are soon feeling much rested. Its good to take stock every now & again & "mend ourselves". I am taking a little bloggy break too while I attempt to sort my dear Mum out. I cannot help it but whenever I look at photos of dear Cully May it brings a big smile to my face. Her little face & smile are so infectious. It hardly seems a year since she was born. Xxxxx

Ondrea said...

That is a fantastic pic of Cully May. She is going to be a fun girl. Love the pop over you made especially with added details. So cute! Take care, relax and enjoy time for yourself.

Suze said...

I am so happy that your Cully May was happy and healthy for her first birthday. It sounds like a wonderful day. The outfit you made is so delightful. Little girls are blessings indeed.

I have collected too much fabric and need to make some tings for the baby that is arriving soon.

Take care of yourself. It is so good that you can recognise when you need to step back and that you do so. God bless you and keep you safe. I look forward to seeing that you feel better soon.

Maria said...

Lovely day out for Cully Mays 1st birthday 🎉.
Such a pretty pop over you made for her birthday.
Pleased you are taking care of yourself Jenny.

Jacqueline said...

Cully Mae is darling and so is your popover.

Take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing future posts when you are able.

Lin said...

Cully May looks so cute in that photograph and the popover has worked out really well. 'Making do' with the gingham was a stroke of genius as it works really well with your print. Take care of yourself Jenny dear and have a restful week. Love and prayers. xx

Allie-oops Designs said...

Wow Jenny-girl it turned out so darling!!!! I can't wait to see it on her. The aquarium sounds like a perfect birthday place - so lovely!

I'm sorry you're experiencing health problems - I'm praying, hon, may this be a very restful and healing week for you. Take as long as you need, hon, it's sure hard going through a health crash. I'm having one at the moment as well.....ugh. Love you girl...

mb4rwss said...

I pray you feel better soon. Heartfelt hugs!!❤

Lesley Gilbert said...

Happy Birthday to a beautiful granddaughter - her pop-over turned out really pretty and I'm sure photo's will be following after you have had your much needed recuperation time. Have a great weekend and see you when you get back here again :) <3

allthingzsewn said...

Happy Birthday Cully May. Praying you are able to stick to a healthy diet and feeling better soon. I know how hard it is by experience. Over consumption of Sugar does evil thing to the mind and body. And it hides everywhere. Hope you will share some of your healthy recipes from time to time when your feeling better.

Kathleen said...

Looking forward to seeing Cully May in that cute popover! Just so sweet! Love how you made the pocket.
Rest well.

Jackie said...

Seeing pictures of Cully Mae always make me smile! She is such a beautiful child. I love how the pop-over turned out. You did such a beautiful job! Enjoy your downtime.

Alicia Mae said...

Happy birthday to Cully May! The popover you made her is just darling Jenny. What a treasure! Rest up and enjoy your time off ❤️

Victoria said...

Such a pleasure to see a Mom like Blossom who has not bought ino the big first B.D. with a smashed cake & all. And what a fun day! Your popover is a sweet as the little girl who will wear it.

sillyheart said...

Enjoy your much needed break and take all the time you need. We will always be here waiting for your awesome talents and words of wisdom when you return. Blessings!!!

Tricia said...

Dear friend, you are such an encouragement to me. God has been allowing me to tolerate some foods that I haven't had for many years, and my "want to" is to just eat and eat without moderation or restraint - neglecting the foods that have nourished me along the journey and instead eating all the comfort foods that I had to give up. Thank you for the reminder that balance and moderation is the key, and that the other things are treats - not the main staple. I need to work on expanding my healthy food options with the new freedoms God has given me, rather than going back to things that weren't good for me in the first place. I really needed this wisdom today. Thank you. I pray you will be encouraged and strengthened as you rest and renew this week.

Kathrynn said...

The pop over is beautiful, Cully will look so sweet in it.

I for one will miss your lovely post but it is more important for you to rest and recover. Be well dear sister.

Lorraine M said...

You are such an inspiration spiritually and of course with sewing. Rest, rest. Lovely pop over and yes we need our plant based food.
Your orange and raisin biscuits were delicious, just mainly for my husband!

X Lorraine

Createology said...

You certainly have been overly busy of late. Taking time to nourish and heal yourself is critical. Happy 1st Birthday to precious Cully May. It is refreshing to see that Blossom made Cully May's day a memorable one without going over the top in party mode and expense. You sewed a truly cute popover for Cully May to wear. Blessings Jenny Dear and may you feel 100% very soon. <3

Farm Quilter said...

Cully May's popover is adorable! Can't wait to see a picture of her wearing it. I'll be praying for you as you retreat and regain your health. While all your readers will miss you, we will be here when you are able to return...take your time and totally refresh yourself!

Nanna Chel said...

Happy Birthday to Cully May, Jenny. What a beautiful outfit you made. I made similar ones for my granddaughters when they were little and added frilly pants :-) Listen to your body and rest up. I am still recovering from the flu and am taking it easy too. Sometimes we just have to slow down.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post!
The pop-over turned out totally adorable --- just as it's little owner is!:) Cully May is such a doll baby! You are so talented! I can't wait to see pics of her wearing it!

Glad to hear you are taking a break to rest & refresh yourself. Eating healthy 100% of the time is not easy for sure. But the good thing is that we know what we need to do to bring us back to the middle of the road when we stray to the right or to the left too far for a season. It must be doubly hard for someone who enjoys baking so much. Though I love to eat the goodies, I do not enjoy baking in the least bit, which makes it easier for me to not have the temptations in the house.:)
But my weakness is ice cream!!! Especially in the heat of the summer. And having a wonderful little ice cream parlor so close by our home is not a good thing.:( Though this summer we've been trying to limit ourselves to once a week and it has been working pretty good for the most part. With occasional slip-ups.;)

Have a good rest Jenny. Hoping the headaches go away, never to return!
Thanks for having such an up-lifting, informative blog that has been a blessing over & over.

Joyce said...

Happy birthday to Cully May. It sounds like she had the perfect day. The little popover you made her is adorable. I hope you are feeling better soon. I have gastroparesis and need to be very careful with my diet but sometimes I really want what I can't have. If I eat it, I'm always really sorry as I am very ill for days after. I too find that eating clean makes a big difference in my life. Take care of yourself and get the rest and nourishment you need. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. God bless!

Nana Judy said...

Cully May is so beautiful and her eyes sparkle with love and joy. The pop over you made is so pretty. Cully May is very lucky to have such a talented Nana. Enjoy your break, relax and enjoy the silence.

MissParker said...

Happy Bithday to Cully May !!!

Baa. xxx said...

The pop over is so cute Jenny. Love it. What a super fun day at the aquarium - perfect spot for a great day out! Great idea to take it easy - I just did a super long 10 hour day helping out and managing for an Early Childhood conference at the weekend at the Centre and my legs and hips are so sore. I just can't be on my feet like that anymore. I need to learn that fast. Have a wonderful break with super yummy salads and fresh fruit! Bliss! Love Karen, Miss H and Baa. xxx

Kayleen said...

Hi Jenny, trust that you will be feeling well again soon. I love the popover you made for Cully Mae, she is blessed indeed. I think I remember you were working on a Maryjane Tearoom bear for your granddaughter for her birthday. I was inspired by you to purchase the pattern too. I did see some progress photos some weeks back and wondered if you finished it? Looking forward to seeing photos of your finished bear.
Take care,

May said...

Happy Birthday Cully Mae,The pop over Jenny is Beautiful... We all will be thinking of you and enjoy your break... sometimes we all just need to stop and look after ourselves in this busy world...I love salads and fruit... and treats on occasion.. everything in moderation as my mum used to say...Take care, Keep Safe, and enjoy the silence...May x

Winifred said...

I love that apron for Cully May it's gorgeous. I always used to make my own bias binding it just matches so well although a bit time consuming.
She looks so full of joy in your photo and the one at the aquarium is lovely too.
Take care of your self Jenny as my Mam used to say it will all be there when we are not so....

Unknown said...

The popover is darling and will look adorable on your precious grandbaby. Hope you are feeling better soon! Take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

Hello Jenny,
Your Cully Mae is a dolly - a gift from God. Love everything you make. Waiting to see the bunny for Cully. Take a break and get well. It's a battle to try to eat "healthy" all the time but good for you to listen to your body. I'll check in now and again to see when you're back. Going to miss you but I know you have to take care of yourself. God bless you.
Goretti M

Helen L said...

Your little granddaughter is so cute!! We'll be wanting a picture of her in the little apron the next time she visits you!! And I hope you have a good recuperation week this week!! You always supply us with so many pretty things to do that I can't keep up anyway!! :-) Hugs, Helen from Healdsburg