Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Lemon tree quite delicious...

I've had a few run ins with infection and migraine the past week so I've kept my distance from the computer as much as is possible, though we've still needed to go out house-hunting.

On Monday we submitted an application for one rental home near the beach which as Mr E says, "ticks all the boxes", and are currently awaiting a response. If that fails we have another home (on the beach) to inspect on Thursday. 

During our travels far and wide to look at prospective homes I noticed many lemon, lime and orange trees full of fruit and as is always the case when I see luscious round balls of citrus and smell their fragrance on the breeze, my thoughts turn to the kitchen and what I can make or bake with one or all citrus fruits.

My head was feeling much improved Tuesday morning so after brewing a large pot of tea I browsed through a few older style cookbooks and found a "just right" new-to-me recipe.

Usually I tweak a few ingredients and steps in recipes and this one was no different, but not because I was being extra creative. In fact, my kitchen now works on the 3 - 1 principle. 

For three weeks I will do one normal grocery shop every Wednesday, but in the fourth week I 'shop from the pantry' using up what we have already in the fridge, freezer and pantry supplies. I still need to top up with extra fresh fruit and veg, but everything else I can make or use what's on hand. 
Things like bread and almond milk are easy to make and as long as I have the basic ingredients always in stock we never run out.

When tweaking this new recipe I replaced tinned passionfruit with the fresh ones I had leftover from last week, and used more lemon because I had plenty on hand and love to add extra tartness where I can.

I don't think I shared a "Living the Gentle Domestic Life" recipe during August but as it was a month of intentional slowing and planning for the future everything non-essential was laid aside, but when Mr E and I tasted this Passionfruit and Lemon Slice it immediately became a priority to share with you!

We taste tested by cutting one piece into tiny squares and there was much "mmmmmm..." and "yummmm" heard around the kitchen as each little bit was savoured.

I've even drawn up a little lemon tree for you to trace and stitch while you bake your own Passionfruit & Lemon Slice. It's on the last page of the recipe sheets (both versions, full page and half page)...

...which you can download for free HERE in my shop.

Over the next few days I'll add all the previous "Living the Gentle Domestic Life" recipes/stitcheries into my shop as well.

Besides house-hunting and baking I've also been working on a new mini-quilt design using the next Tilda range of fabrics, Cottage, which will be in stores October 1st.

I began by piecing some tiny cotton spool blocks for top and bottom borders and then started on the sewing machine which will be the centre section of this mini quilt...

After the applique and embroidery was complete my mind wandered to hexies...

...which will create a side border for the machine block (I think).

I will have a play with that idea later today after Blossom and Cully May have come to visit for afternoon tea. Bloss is eager to try the Passionfruit and Lemon Slice, but she's also excited to open a parcel of pretty fabrics and lace sent to her by my dear friend Susan in the US. 

I'll leave you today with this inspiring story which lifted my heart when Blossom shared it with me.
It also caused a few tears to fall and made me realise a few home truths. It only runs for 5 minutes so I do hope you'll watch...

Never doubt your ability to bring joy to others.
God can always use a willing pair of hands, a heart that cares, and gifts you may not realise you have.



Anonymous said...

How beautiful it is to see that lovely 100 year old lady sewing all those dresses!
I love your cotton spools and threaded sewing machine quilt already!
The beach and citrus sound wonderful!!
Thank you for your heartfelt posts!!
Warm regards,
Rachel Holt

Leeanne said...

Yummy looking slice, but i need to taste it :-) Your new Tilda project is very pretty so far. At 100yrs that beautiful women is a gem and an inspiration, thank you for sharing! xxx

Julie said...

Oohh Jenny, I could hardly get to the end of that sweet video of that dear Lady. All those dresses, sewing love into every stitch. How wonderful. My glasses have well fogged up my friend. Your slice looks delicious. I do love anything with a bite of citrus in it. Xxx

Robin said...

I love your upcoming project. It looks like you will test all our skills. That short movie just makes me think what have I done for the Lord today? God bless her! Thank God there are people like her around even at 100 she is able to do what she does. Hope you get the house You want.(

Guida said...

Loved your peak at the quilt you are making. Thank you for this lovely recipe. That lady is so inspirational to us all, God bless her. Good luck with the house hunting. Guida

Meg said...

That lemon and passionfruit slice looks delicious, Jenny. I hope you find your place by the beach. Meg:)

Suzan said...

I hope you find this as quirky and amusing as I do. Last year I planted a Panama passionfruit vine for mum. It has grown one fruit. My lime struggled to improve on its last year's crop and grew six limes.

A green thumb I do not have.

God bless.

Little Quiltsong said...

Thank you so much, Jenny for sharing your recipe and this wonderful video. The video is so, so touching. Loved it!! Looking forward to trying your lemon squares.

Kristy said...

What a wonderful testimony to Jesus and his love being poured out by this lovely woman. Thank you so much for sharing this! I think I need to renew my focus on loving others through my sewing. Glad you are feeling better. Thanks so much for all you share with us. You are a treasure to me and to the Lord. K-

Jackie said...

Thank you for the delish recipe and the video. Tugged at my heart....

Kathleen said...

Oh that video did make me tear up. Such a beautiful lady. Sharing her gift.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the video. I hope I'm just like that, whatever age I reach. Her mind is still so sharp and she's doing good works for Jesus. I hope you are feeling much better as this week goes on. Change of seasons sometimes does that to me, too. Not to the extent you experience things, though! I really like the look of that slice cake and it sounds just right. Thank you for that and the adorable little stitchery. There is nothing sweeter than lemon blossoms, not even orange blossoms, in my book. The wall hanging is looking great! I still look forward to seeing where those hexagons are going.

Carol said...

I saw that video on Facebook yesterday at a time when I was talking to God about what I was feeling is my somewhat hopeless situation. He used that sweet woman's story to speak to me about doing the job He's given me (sewing for others) and stop stressing about the rest. I was very humbled by His confirmation that He's right here in the midst of my situation and Him taking the time to tell me so.

Janice said...

Your recipe arrived just at a good time. I hope to do some baking today or tomorrow. I have some frozen passionfruit to use. About how many fresh passionfruit did you use? I did enjoy the video. Inspirational.

Ondrea said...

I printed up that recipe and cute little pattern before I commented. I also watched that beautiful video. Such a gorgeous lady. Your sewing project is looking wonderful and I look forward to seeing it completed. Mmmm, I can smell the lemons from here.

May said...

Thank you Jenny for the yummy recipe and sharing that amazing video of that wonderful lady who brought tears to my eyes such an inspiration... your upcoming sewing project looks fabulous cant wait to see it all complete.. Have a blessed week ahead x May x

Christine M said...

That slice looks delicious, Jenny. We've just been given a huge bowl of lemons. I'll just have to get some passionfruit and I'll have to give it a try. For some reason, I'm not very good at making slices!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I'm on a blogging break right now, Jenny, so haven't been around much. I'm happy I took some time to read this post and watch the story of Eva. What a blessed saint that dear lady is. God bless her and her sewing. I hope you get just the home your heart desires on the beach. It would be so lovely. Hugs.

Margaret said...

Jenny, your new quilt is going to be just gorgeous ... can't wait to see it finished! Yes, Jenny meets Tilda is a heavenly combination ... my favourite. The video of that lovely amazing woman brought tears to my eyes ... also made me think of Dr Catherine Hamlin (The hospital by the river) ... she does stitching of another kind and restores health and dignity to many suffering women. Slice looks scrumptious ... going to have to plant another one or two passionfruit vines ... Panama Red and Nelly Kelly. Had to remove the last ones as they took over our arbour over the side access gate. Will plant the next ones near the sheds they can grow over ... replace the failed kiwi fruit. Enjoy the house hunting; I will pray that you find one that suits you perfectly. Keep well and happy. Hugs, Margaret xx

Createology said...

Jenny I love lemon and this recipe sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing it. Love love love your Tilda fabric mini quilt in the making. Every detail is just perfect. I do hope you and Mr. E are able to get exactly the beach home you desire. Sending Good Thoughts...xo

Tania said...

Oh my what a wonderful story, I am sitting here crying now. Thanks so much for sharing it with us Jenny. Beautiful lady with a beautiful soul:)

And thank you for the delicious looking recipe. I will add that to my ever growing list :)

Have a blessed weekend,


MissesStitches said...

those are really beautiful fabrics! i especially love the small florals.