Monday, November 20, 2017

TUTORIAL - something simple and sweet...

Over the years I've taken photos for a few tutorials that never made it to the blog. 
Not because I didn't want to share them but simply because life stepped in, as it does, and the realisation that I'm a wee bit over-committed with time causes me to take a breather and let go of a few plans (or tutorials) along the way. 

The other day when I was clearing my computer files for 2014, I came across photos of my 'favourite' table topper. It's scrappy and pastel and pretty, and to this day sits atop the small table Mr E made for me when he was back in University. It's very well worn now, been washed at least twenty times, and still puts a smile on my face when I take it off the clothesline and run inside to pop it right back on that table.

The colours have faded from being hung out to dry on the clothesline so many times but you know, that just shows how much it's loved and used. 

Anyhow, I had some photos of how I made it so today you can take my idea and run with it, okay?

The idea began with a fat quarter which had some pretty pastel motifs in colours that blended well with a few other fat quarters lingering in my stash. In my mind's eye I could see they would work beautifully together if I kept things simple.

Firstly I cut a few lengths from the fat quarter, being careful to keep the motifs in the centre.
Fussy cutting a fat quarter means you will lose some of the fabric between the sections you're after for your project but for a pretty project it's worth it.

You can see that the fabrics I chose for the borders were just right for the motif squares...

Next I cut the border strips from my tonal prints and sewed them around all four sides of my fussy cut squares.
Then I sewed the bordered squares together in three rows of five, before adding a cream and blue border around the whole table topper.

Sandwiched with cotton quilt wadding and backing fabric...

You can see it's not very big as I made it to fit the top of the small table.

Hand quilting is my 'down time', it's so relaxing and easy, perfect for small projects like this.
I used Perle #12 threads in blue, pink and green to quilt running stitch just outside each of the motif squares.

Simple, but there's nothing quite as lovely for that handmade effect.

After this the binding was added around the outside and my beautiful table topper was complete.

I haven't given you any measurements because when you fussy cut a motif from fabric they could be any size. To follow this pattern just make sure all your fussy cut motif blocks are the same size and border each of them with lengths of fabric the same width so you end up with 15 (or 18 or 50) blocks the same size which can be joined together in rows.
I used three different fabrics to border my motifs (pink, blue and green) and if you have a look at the completed table topper you can see that I pieced the blocks diagonally to make a balanced flow of colour.

As you've read through this and seen the photos has a particular piece of fabric in your stash come to mind that would be perfect used in this way?

I've got one in mind...must be time to make another fussy cut table topper!

This Year's Block of the Month

Please be aware that the ten free blocks I shared this year (you can see them here) for the Love of Home BOM are only available as free downloads until December 31st.
After that some will disappear from my shop and the rest will be purchase only, so have a scroll through my shop patterns and download the ones you're missing, okay?

I hope you have a lovely week, everyone. 
I'm excited because Blossom and Cully May will be coming to stay for a couple of days! My happy tank will be bubbling over!
May your happy tank be filled to overflowing as well. xx


Tammy said...

This is such a pretty runner .. Love the pastel colors....Always so pretty and refreshing

Little Penpen said...

Very pretty; such soft and calm colors!

Brenda said...

Hello Jenny; Your table topper is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it with us and your tutorial on how to create one ourselves. As soon as I can, I know I will make one or two or maybe just carry on and make a very pretty baby quilt. Have a wonderful time with your Daughter and Granddaughter.

Angie in SoCal said...

Oh so lovely. Thanks for the tut.

AlmaMG said...

Inspiration!!! Here I am in Scottsdale, Arizona, visiting my daughter, son-in-law and grand-daughter. Want to sew. Need to sew. What to sew??? Ah Ha!!! Jenny has inspired me again with a beautiful, simple and elegant table-topper design. I'll just go out into Sandy's sewing room and snaffle a few pieces of dance costume offcuts. My table-topper won't be like Jenny's - gentle, elegant, dainty - but it will have rich burgundy and olive and eggplant coloured velvet. Maybe I'll have centre blocks of beautiful lace, fussy-cut of course, overlaying sparkling brilliantly-coloured lycra ... whatever I can find. So?? who said I have to use quilting fabric to make a quilt..... if that's a rule I have to tell you that I break rules!!!! I'm so lucky because Sandy has given me free access to her magnificent and extensive stash. I just needed inspiration and I didn't want to work on anything too mindful. So, thank you, Jenny, for such a lovely idea that I can work on, enjoy making and achieve that wonderful feeling of completing something that I know will be appreciated and loved. Even if it is so very, very different from the original inspiration!! :} :} ;} ... AlmaMG.

Jackie said...

Love the fabrics! Enjoy Blossom and Cully May.

Janelle said...

Bless you Jenny! Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful time with your family,
Love, Janelle

Anonymous said...

A sleepover! So much fun! I hope you craft some fun things together, enjoy afternoon tea, take a walk, make plans for the new baby ... whatever your hearts desire (and Cully May allows!) as you share this lovely time together. Memories made fresh and baked with love. =) I do like this little table topper. I think I might have a fabric or two that I can use for just such a thing. Thanks so much for finding this and sharing it.

Phil Poggeaux said...

Certainly nothing as beautiful as your work, however my grandmother used to use old towels and sheets as quilt filler and then use the left over material from her dressmakers shop to make quilts for her 9 children.

Ondrea said...

Beautiful table topper and such a versatile, adaptable pattern. Thanks for sharing.