Have you noticed that before beginning a stitch-along I tend to make a new pincushion first?
I can't wait to start the "Joy to the World" Stitch-along which I'll be sharing with you from this coming Friday and continuing through each Friday of November, but as is my habit a pretty new pincushion needed to be made before anything else. And of course, I always share those with you too.
I've made this almost as quilt which you stuff or fill. The front of the NOEL pincushion when completed has the stitchery and two borders; then I place some scrap cotton quilt wadding (batting) behind it before quilting. If I had more time this would have been a lovely hand quilting escape but I chose to machine quilt simple lines so I could use my hand quilting time on the 'big project' of our stitch-along.
The back of the pincushion is made in two same-size pieces sewn together along one long end and a 2" opening left in the centre. This allows for filling the pincushion with crushed walnut shells....
If you don't use crushed walnut shells, or prefer poly (or wool) stuffing, the opening needs to be 4".
NOTE: I often get asked where to purchase crushed walnut shells. I used to buy them from the pet store in the reptile section but recently that source dried up. Now I buy a large bag from the BBQ shop because people use them to smoke meat. Hopefully one source or the other will have what you need.
Pinning the back and front together as you would a quilt I made a length of binding and attached it around all sides.
The final step was to the fill the pincushion (I use a funnel to fill it) and slip stitch the back opening closed with many tiny stitches so that the crushed walnut shells do not escape.
I've included all the steps and materials list inside the FREE Noel Pincushion pattern which you can download from the link below...
I think you'll have time to make your own version of my pincushion before we begin "Joy to the World" on Friday.
Yesterday I finally had a free day to piece all the stitcheries and finish the quilt top...
Today I plan to sandwich the quilt, hopefully hand quilt and bind. Mr E has insisted I take things easy for the rest of the week as the past seven days have been quite exhausting with a deep spring clean of the house and then his nasty accident.
Thank you for all your prayers and care! Honestly, we feel so blessed and so grateful for the kindness shown. He's recovering well after a shaky start, and is back at work though that brings it's own problems as he needs to stand and walk most of the day (he teaches in a workshop at school and must walk around to keep an eye on students with tools). He uses a cane now, but once he gets home the stress of being on his ankle and foot all day has taken a toll and he must rest till the next day.
Remember recently I wrote just how much of an impact Luke 14 and 'counting the cost' has had on me? Though I have known this verse, read it hundreds of time over the years, sometimes the Lord impresses a message on your heart for the very season you are in...and this is the message for my season.
How often, I wonder, do we genuinely step back and count the cost of a decision we make? Do we ask ourselves "will this align with God's Word, or does it eventually go against it?"
Our state had an election last weekend and I was saddened by "Christians" who voted for the party which endorses abortion, even right up until birth...do they not know, have they not been taught, that this is murder? That in voting for a political party which supports abortion they become complicit in the murders? Why is this not taught from the pulpit I wonder?
"Thou shalt not murder"...written by the finger of God Himself on stone.
I know of many Christian women who walk in heartbreak and lifelong grief over abortion because they have gone through it...and I am one of those women. I have never gotten over it, and to be honest, I never intended to share this on my blog...BUT, truth like this cannot be hidden, it must be brought into the Light. And my sweet Jesus forgave me of my sin because I truly repented and though my sin is now removed by the blood of our Saviour there are still the consequences to live with - the deep grief, the regret and the sorrow of making the wrong choice. It has been decades now, but still I long for that child.
If only I had counted the cost. My life was at risk but out of fear I did not fully count the cost.
Life has many costs to count, they come day by day, and to fully follow Jesus' instruction to count the cost we need to unlearn the habits today of a quick and rarely thought-through response which has become almost part of our nature through the 'training' of social media and television.
We need to think before we speak, count before we spend, humble ourselves and lift others up - not tear them down to exalt ourselves.
Please understand I am not condemning anyone, for so many have a veil over their eyes and it's not until the Holy Spirit removes the veil and reveals truth that you and I can see clearly where our feet have strayed to the wide worldly road and away from the narrow Godly path.
All those years ago I needed Him to tear away that veil for me, and He did...just hours after I had been complicit in the taking of my unborn child's life.
Over the years I have shared my story in church women's groups and been brought to tears by the many beautiful women who fell to their knees in grief and sorrow, confessing they too had been through abortion and had been too frightened to tell their Christian sisters. They felt trapped in a dark hole of shame that would not let them out...but then, after my own story, these women came forward and wept, were washed in the blood of the Lamb, made whole and loved on by almost every other woman in the room. Yes, like me, most of them still carry the consequences of deep grief and loss...but we also look forward to Jesus' return when we shall be reunited with those children.
Dear sister, dear friend, if this is your story, you are not alone. I am praying for you today and trusting our faithful Lord to gather you in His ever loving, ever forgiving arms, and give you the comfort you have needed.
Beloved, I care about each one of you...
I love this post, dear Jenny. First, thank you for the darling pincushion pattern - sweet! And second, thank you for sharing your story, which happens to be mine as well. It took a lot of time, a lot of Christian therapy, and ultimately meeting my Savior and collapsing at the foot of the cross.
It's a heartbreak that never goes away - Jesus has forgiven us, but it's so much harder to forgive ourselves. Praying for His grace and mercy for all of us who share this story.
Thank you for the lovely pincushion pattern! I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm sure it took a lot of courage to share with us. I hope that it won't diminish our friendship to admit that I am pro-choice. I don't know if I could have ever had an abortion but I feel it is a decision that every woman should be able to make for herself. Enough said. It is weird that it is 7:24 pm on Tuesday and you are already into Wednesday. I hope Mr. E continues to heal.
Thank you Jenny for sharing the pattern and your abortion story. After having my first child, the thought of having another too close filled my mind and the thought of abortion was constantly with me. I thank God that I never had to make that hard decision, but the thought and guilt remained. Another lovely baby boy followed three years later. Then 6 miscarriages followed, until we adopted a baby girl from India. There are things we have done in life that cause us immense sorrow - thank goodness, the Precious Blood of the LAMB covers us.
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for the walnut tip !
I'll give that lead a go.
Such a pretty pin cushion Jenny - and why didnt I think of machining down that back seam, so much easire to turn and slip stitch! So glad that Mr E is back at work although it sounds very painful. it must have been difficult for you to share your story - thank you. xx
It’s such a sweet project. Thank you for sharing with us :)
I am really looking forward to seeing the Christmas quilt, I feel like we need some extra Christmas joy in our hearts right now. x
Jenny, YOU are a gift. Thank you.
Jenny, thank you for your beautiful words. You are one of the kindest, gentlest and loving people I know.
I too do not understand how a country can vote in a man or woman who supports abortion, including Christians who back them. I grieve knowing what damage will be done to the unborn and to the women who have gone through this. I just don't understand but thankfully, all will be revealed at His second coming.
Thank you Jenny for your love and honesty.
Thank you for your courage with this post Jenny, may it open eyes and soften hearts. You are a true treasure. I too do not understand how a Christian could vote for a political party that supports and celebrates abortion even to the point of birth. I was raised to believe it was a woman's choice but have come to know that the Word of God does not agree. It saddens me to think of all those lost lives and the heartbreak for the parents as well. You give us a good reminder that the parents who make these choices need our love and compassion as well. As we deal with all that 2020 has been this year and the uncertainty in the US elections as well, it is good to have our trust and hope in Him. Sending love and prayers for healing, and a prayer for your dear Blossom as well.
I am looking forward to the sew along! This is a sweet pincushion and appreciate the pattern being shared. Abortion is such a sensitive topic and I will be praying about this today. I appreciate how you say a prayer over your readers. Thank you.
Thank you Dear Jenny for updating us on Mr. E's health issue. And for the beautiful pattern for the lovely pincushion. Thank you for baring your soul to us. You are the strongest person I know. And the most Christ centered person besides my Mother that I know. Your sins have been wiped away. One day you will be united again with that child. I do not believe in abortion. I know many people today do.. But that is will be between them and their God. As for me and mine I do not believe in Murder either. We must all love one another in this life....And try to lift each other up Hugs to you my beautiful friend. Know that you are a beloved child of God
Thank you for sharing your story and for your wise words about counting the cost.
Beautiful pinnie!! Looking forward to seeing the whole quilt! I agree with your statement about abortion and don't understand how any Christian can support politicians who support killing babies. In the last days, wrong will be right. I'm so glad abortion wasn't an option when my birth mother had me, otherwise I would probably not be here. God is good and quick to forgive if we confess and repent. We are also told to forgive and that includes forgiving ourselves. Praying for Mr. E to heal!!
I do appreciate your honestly and your boldness. Preaching pro-life is so frowned upon these days but so needful. Women who are contemplating abortion need to hear from women who have been through one about the deep pain and loss that is felt for the rest of their lives. We serve a loving, gentle and forgiving God and anyone who puts their hope and trust in Him will be reunited with that sweet baby in glory one day, but that doesn’t take away the pain felt here and now. Thank you for your words. I will pray they minister to everyone who reads them.
Be blessed today dear friend! I will be praying for Mr E’s ankle, Blossom, the baby, Ross and the girls as well as your migraines.
💕 Michelle
When we repent, we are forgiven. That is the mercies and love of God. Jesus is who He views us through.That precious BLOOD is what makes us pardoned from our sin. This is the gift of God. God bless you Jenny, and the countless others that grieve over what they did. God wrap His arms around all that call on Him. He gets us through all the days on this earth. Because all sin and come short of the glory of God. None are good but God.
God bless, Jenny.
'Courage dear heart.' Be blessed beautiful Jenny. May Gods healing power restore Mr E's ankle to full strength. Arohanui Karen
Dear Jenny...thank you for sharing your talent, and your faith and your experiences...God is the Great Healer, Saviour, and is slowly become the love of my life. That has been a long time coming. He had to heal me first...but He is faithful. God bless and keep you, Joy
Jenny--thank you for your beautiful story and even more for HOW you shared--grace, hope and truth! I am Author of an abortion recovery study called Surrendering the Secret, I would love to help any of your readers who need to reach out!
Blessings! Pat Layton, Surrendering the Secret
Thank you for sharing your story and message of healing with such courage. I was raised and continue my Christian education. I pray for all young women every day that they find an angel in their path when the time for the wrong decision stands in front of them. I pray that God, Jesus and Mother Mary hold their hand and show them how to trust in God.
Dear sweet Jenny, I know it took a lot of courage to share your story. I'm so glad that I never had to make that decision. I always wanted a child but I wanted a stable home to bring one into. I was 39 when I finally had my sweet son after losing a child the year before. I was so afraid that it would never happen but God finally blessed my husband and I. My son is the light of my life. And you know that God forgave you and blessed you with Blossom, Ross and the girls. I hope someday when I leave this world that God reunites me with the precious angel that he saw fit to keep in Heaven. Bless you, Jenny.
I have no words to express my heartfelt empathy for your pain. In the US the same thing has occurred. It is beyond my understanding. That said, you are brave, your are strong and a fine example of living your life with the grace of God.
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