Here you are lovely friends, the first two blocks in my free Christmas 2020 stitch-along JOY TO THE WORLD!
I pieced it all together on Tuesday, hand quilted on Wednesday and Thursday, then added the pretty red and pink floral binding this morning (Friday). My fingers look like a sieve because I couldn't find my quilting thimble, but then yesterday afternoon, concerned about getting blood on the quilt, I wrapped three Bandaids around my middle finger and ploughed on until it was done.
I do love a nice stretch of hand quilting but admit without my trusty thimble a bit of pain was felt this time. Still, I'm very content now that it's complete, quite joyful in fact and excited to hang this Nativity story on the living room wall because I'll use it to share the story of sweet Jesus' birth to Cully May and Rafaella.
I thought I'd share the blocks in order of events, beginning with the angel Gabriel's appearance to Mary with the news of God's plan to bring His Son into the world through her virgin womb...
...and then the beauty of this gentle mother heavy with child, still in awe of conceiving this precious gift whilst yet untouched by her husband.
I had morning tea with Blossom, Ross and their girls today. Bloss's own weary and heavily pregnant body made thoughts of those final weeks of Mary's pregnancy very pronounced in my mind. Did her feet swell too? Did she find it difficult to move around, were her nights sleepless?
I wonder how this young handmaiden of the Lord prepared to bring her promised Son into the world, and did anxiety creep in when the first signs of labour began unexpectedly so far from home?
Genesis 4:1 tells us that God helped deliver Eve's first son, so I can't help but think He was right there helping, though unseen, to deliver our Messiah as well.
One thing sweet Blossom prays is that the Lord will be with her, assisting, when the time comes for her little boy to enter the world.
Just as God was there for Eve, just as He was surely there with Mary, so He is with you dear one...through all your joys and all your trials, in sorrow and celebration, HE IS THERE.
I love Psalm 139:5 - "You hem me in, behind and before, and lay Your hand upon me."
Isn't that beautiful?!
I hope you'll be stitching along through November with me. You can download the pattern for blocks 1 and 2 using the link below -
After the weekend I'll give you a view of our almost-Summer garden plus share a couple of recipes which will kick off a Recipe Book project we can work on over the next year.
Bless you heaps,
Hi Jenny,
Band aids ! I'll have to try that! thanks for the tip :) A thimble doesn't quite work for me.
2021 is filling with ideas !
enjoy the weekend !
Thank you for the beautiful Blocks. I hope Blossom and all your family stay well and healthy while awaiting this precious baby boy to arrive
Ooh, poor finger! I cant sew at all without a thimble and have several so that I can always find one! Such a pretty hanging Jenny and perfect for telling the story to your little ones. Not joining in this time - too much else on the go but it is very tempting. Stay safe and well all of you. xx
So beautiful, thank you Jenny.
Look forward to making this beautiful quilt. Thank you for all you do. Praying for Blossom.
So beautiful. Cant wait to start. Did you give fabric requirements somewhere? Sorry cant seem to find and I want it all together.
Jenny, your work and creations are always so beautiful. I love your new project "Joy to The World". After, the first of the year I will begin the stitchery. I plan to complete the quilt and gift it to my sister. I love the fabric you chose... tea roses? Take care of yourself. Hugs! ♥ ♥ ♥
Stunning - so lovely, thank you dear heart!! But oh Jenny your poor fingers....
I am praying for Blossom and little Bud!
Oh, it is so lovely! Thank you so much, Jenny. I don't like wearing thimbles and never did, but sometimes I have to. Continued prayers for your whole family.
You out did yourself on this one! I love Christmas. We sure need some good things coming in December after all that"s been here in the States. This is mighty uplifting. Gets your mind on what is the most important part of Life! Jesus. Always Jesus.
Praying for Blossom and her delivery of a healthy baby. Praying also for you , Mr. E, Ross, and all of your extended family. Jesus is coming back soon. What a sight that will be!
Be well, Jenny.
Hi Suzy, the fabric is a very old line Flower Sugar line from Lecien. I only use prints from my stash these days and some of them are up to 11 years old.
It's a scrap quilt so just use what you like. Finished size is only 22" square so not a lot of fabric needed.
Your creations are such a joy to me! If I'm ever feeling down or having a bad day, I come to your blog and I am uplifted, just wanted you to know that I cherish you Jenny!
My oldest daughter just delivered our first ever sweet little granddaughter, Hailey Mae on October 27th - she was due November 13th! Complications galore with that birth, but Mama and baby are doing great each day. We pray for all the Mama's new or experienced. Sending prayers for Blossom and her baby boy and all of your family.
Thank you as always. Kathy aka sewbee831 on IG
What a lovely little quilt and nice choice of fabric Jenny, it doesn't have to be taken down after Christmas! I hate doing that. Hoope your poor finger recovers soon. Hope that Mr E is improving and Blossom isn't having too hard a time. The heat must be difficult, I had both of mine in summer and it was quite hot for the UK I remember having to buy new shoes for my sister's wedding & had to have a bigger size! Not sure they've ever recovered. Blossom is so lucky to have your support, Mam's are the best friend you'll ever have & I bet she knows that bless her. The girls must be so excited a double Christmas present for them. God bless.
Busy girl! Well worth your time and energy. I never use a thimble when quilting and always slice my finger. Do you know an easy way to neutralise a small bit of blood on your quilt?
Precioso, adorable, encantador ♥
Besos, Paqui :)
I am downloading and hope to make it. Thank you so much for the kind word yesterday. I am better this evening, readjusting my mind and asking God to stand with me while I de-stress from our year. Hugs. Love your posts so calming!
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