Saturday, July 1, 2023

Virtuous Wife BOM block 10...


“Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.”

Back in Genesis, God reveals that when a man and woman marry “the two become one” and when considering this in reference to Proverbs 31:23, it occurred to me that our character as wives will be reflected in how others view our husbands.  When our character mirrors that of Christ, it will not go unnoticed, and cannot help but to show respect for our God-gifted husband.

“…let the wife see that she respects her husband.” (Ephesians 5:33)

“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.” (Proverbs 12:4)

“ (wives) To be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” (Titus 2:5)

God has given us wives quite a responsibility with regards to refining our character, respecting our husbands, building up our homes, bearing good fruit - and though times and fashions and attitudes may change, God’s Word never changes, it is the same today as it was thousands of years ago. For I am the LORD, I change not.” (Malachi 3:6)

The Bible tells us that with our own hands we can tear down our homes, yet with righteous choices, allowing the Lord to rule our lives, believing in His perfect Word and obeying it, we can build up our homes and in doing so bring honour to our men as well as the Lord.  The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.” (Proverbs 14:1)

I know some of you will want to point out that you cannot respect your man because he is an unbelieving husband, a husband who is not living out his faith in Christ, or you feel as though you’re the only one in the marriage who is making an effort…but what the Lord impressed on me recently is to examine where these thoughts come from, and much of it comes through culture, the feminist movement, and incorrect teaching. I have heard more times than I can count that people need to earn respect before we can give it and that’s why some wives refuse to respect their husband – but, tell me, where is that in the Bible? In Ephesians 5:33 we are told to respect our husbands, with no ‘earning’ involved. Just as our husbands are instructed to love us, also with no earning involved.

To respect our husbands is a choice, a choice we make to honour the Lord and the position He has given to them. It’s not open to argument or dispute (how often do we look for Scriptures to back up what we ‘want’ it to say?) – it is a simple direction given in love by God through His Holy Spirit.

Let’s not look over at our men to judge the splinters of their failings, but let us examine ourselves in the mirror of God’s Word for as Jesus taught, there are logs in our own eyes which need to be dealt with. We are not our husband’s holy spirit, ever. We are not in a position to correct their character, but we are to humble ourselves before God so He can correct our own character.

Pray for our men, yes, every day – but also pray for God to chip away our rough edges, reveal to us the sin in our own lives, especially those sins and character flaws we are blind and oblivious to, yet are on full display to the world – for just as we can see sin in the lives of those around us, so they can see it in our lives too. Pray for the Lord to enrich our marriages, for the Holy Spirit to correct our failings, for the character of Jesus to be the mirror we compare ourselves to (and not others)…pray that the Father shows us where we’ve been tearing down our homes and how we can change to build them up again, all to HIS glory.

Use the link below to download this month's free Virtuous Wife pattern


If you have missed any of the previous blocks they are HERE

Till next month, God bless,

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terricheney said...

I 100% agree with your thoughts on respecting your husband. My husband would not attend church for many years. As I grew as a Christian and showed him more and more respect, he changed his mind and became a born again man.

Susan said...

I always try to remember that the man I married was my choice. It has been a joy to be his wife, even in the bad times. I am so grateful for this month's block, as it is exactly how we ought be be reflecting Christ and our husbands. There are thousands of reasons NOT to follow God's word in the world, but we only need one to follow it. Thank you for this special spiritual addition to our understanding.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jennifer. Your message is always encouraging and godly.

Laura said...

Thank you! I needed to hear this. :)

Mary-Louise Parker said...

Thank you Jennifer I totally agree and thank you for your prayful encouragment. My God clearly brought Mark and I together, He told me not long after I met him this is the man I want you to marry by the Holy Spirit. A real deep peace came into my Heart. And it was the same for him.!

Joanne said...

Hi Jennifer,
A few days of contemplating, then I knew what to write. I know many women like this :)
hugs, take care,

Kim said...

While I have been working on finishing other projects right now, I've been saving the patterns to work on, maybe this winter. I have, however, been blessed right now with your thoughts on the virtuous wife and see ways in which I can improve even now as an empty-nester. Thanks again for sharing - thoughts and patterns.

Tammy said...

Dearest Jennifer, what a lovely post today first of all thank you for the gorgeous block # 10. And thank you for all the Godly words you write to us. It is a breath o f fresh air. As it is so hard to be a Christian in today's world. Satan is always hard at work trying to tear apart what God has put together. Thank you for always providing such beautiful encouragement for us married ladies and homemakers. Thank you my friend for all that you do .
Love Always,

Anonymous said...

I really love that, "We are not our husband's Holy Spirit!" Isn't it wonderful that when we allow Him, the Holy Spirit works in both parties hearts to soften and shape us into our God-given role in our marriage despite where the other is on their spiritual journey? What a blessing to know that we don't need to do it ourselves, but rather that He strengthens and equips us for it. I'm loving the devotions that you are including with these patterns. They are so beneficial! Love Em xox

Delcia R said...

I rarely comment, but you are spot on Scripturally when quoting and speaking of the duty and privilege of being a wife. May the Lord bless these words of wisdom for women!

Caroline said...

My husband is a non-believer and it has helped a lot in my faith of him to read this post, so thank you