Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Block 14 The Virtuous Wife BOM...


Hello lovely ladies, I know my time here lately has become quite sparse, not intentionally, but due to life's commitments in far more important at home, and with family. 

As of today my husband is unemployed, just like our son-in-law Ross. Both of them are looking for work and we're praying the Lord will provide the right jobs at the right time. For now, dear Blossom and I are pondering what we've learned so far during this Virtuous Wife study, and with the Lord's guidance, doing what we can to mange our homes with financial restraint, a joyful spirit, prayer and praise. 

Anyhow, let's see what we can glean from October's bonus study, and I hope you enjoy stitching the free block as well! :-)

“…and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also…” Proverbs 31: 27b-28a

This month I decided to share two blocks from this quilt, today being the second one. We shall look a little at verse 27b-28a in this study, but first I’m going to begin with verse 27a which was embroidered on the previous block shared with you on October 1st.

At the beginning of this month I focused on verse 26 and the power of the tongue, but today we’ll complete the study of the remaining text featured on the previous block. “She looks well to the ways of her household…”  Proverbs 31: 27a

On the surface you’d imagine this section of verse 27 is fairly self-explanatory, that she looks after the home very well. But it goes much farther in the original Hebrew.

Looks well – “tsaphah” – to peer into the distance.

The ways – “haliykah” – a march or procession.

Our lady isn’t focused on today, she is looking far ahead in order to prepare for what may come in the future. Her family do not sit still, their lives are continually marching forward, and therefore so is our woman. We already know she worked hard to care for her household, but here’s a bit of an insight into ‘why’.

There have been numerous times in history when people were caught unawares, when they realised lack of preparation for an unexpected crisis had left them with little to sustain the family, and no real idea how long before supplies, finances, work or assistance would return to normal. Since Covid savaged the world in 2020, many homemakers have made the decision to stock up and prepare now for any future times of trouble. They are learning new skills which they’d previously not considered, putting together a natural medicine cabinet, baking bread, making soap, foraging and canning homegrown or cheap in-season produce, sewing clothes, mending what is broken, counting the cost of all they spend and choosing to turn away from wants in order to better save for needs. These homemakers have a new mindset, and it’s not about living for today. It’s about preparing for the next time of trouble ahead as there is sure to be one, and I believe that runs right into the second half of verse 27 and the beginning of verse 28.

“…and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also…” Proverbs 31: 27b-28a

Idleness – “atsluwth” – slothfulness, slackness

She’s not filling her cup with laziness, television, books, social media, gossiping, shopping…she’s got her eyes looking ahead at the basics, the important things, and what she can do to build up her home. This doesn’t mean we can’t have some relaxion time to revitalise and refresh body, mind and spirit, for we all need that (exactly why the Lord instructs us to have a Sabbath rest), but it can’t be the centre of our daily desires.

My husband and I were both raised by grandparents who lived through WW1, the Great Depression, and WW2. Their example was hard work, contentment, resourcefulness, financial wisdom, gratitude for what they already had, generational skills, self-respect, kindness and generosity – and there’s no book in the library that can teach this in the same hands-on way that their example still inspires us today.

Learning from Nana’s example, my dear husband praises me often for how I manage the family finances, how prepared we are for needs in the future, the new skills I try to learn, the older skills I’m brushing up on, the well-stocked long-term pantry and most importantly, the encouragement I give him day by day. But I still have more to learn.

He learned from his grandfather to use what he already had, to repair, build, learn new skills and implement them (especially with regards to house repairs and creating a larger garden area to grow food), to provide for his family and show love to his wife (me!). But you know, to create the best self-sufficient life we can, both of us are aware that we need the Lord and His Word to guide us above all else, and then we must put our hands to the plough and do the work - just as our grandparent’s example taught us. Just as you and I are gleaning from the description of a wise wife thousands of years ago.

Use the link below to download the 14th free block in our quilt. 

DOWNLOAD The Virtuous Wife block 14

If you have just found this free block of the month, or have missed a block along the way, the links to every block and the accompanying Bible study can be found HERE

Till next time, God bless,

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Lin said...

Thank you Jennifer. Praying for you all at this difficult time. xx

Angela said...

God bless you all through this time. We KNOW in our hearts that the Lord will provide, but it is sometimes hard to wait and trust. But looking back over almost 45 years of marriage I can honestly say that some of the "lean years" when income was at times almost non existent, were also among the most blessed, and our faith was strengthened through them. You are mch in my thoughts and prayers. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™❤️❤️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your family. So sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž

Donna P. said...

Keeping all of you in my prayers. DH is now out of work too, as well as my oldest daughter and they are looking. It's odd since there are jobs out there to be had. I know that they will find something to fit them and I know Ross and your dh will find something too.
I've enjoyed your Bible teaching and have learned so much. This 69 year old CAN be taught! LOL!

Allie said...

GREAT post, dear heart - thank you for another gorgeous block and teaching!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another lovely post!
I enjoy your posts and embroidery!

Praying for your family.


(greetings from far away, act. the Netherlands๐Ÿ˜Š)

Jean - Oksewnsew said...

Many prayers for you and your family. We went through that last year, and you really can survive, it just takes lots of praying and keepin' on, keepin' on. Bless you..HUGS

Joanne said...

Hi Jennifer,
Hoping the right job comes along for each of them :)
Hugs, take care,

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm sorry about your hubby's job. We've been there more than once. Have faith in God's provision for you.

Julie said...

Another wonderful post dear Jennifer. You have been in my thoughts so much this past week. I am so very sorry to read of dear hubbys & Ross's job losses. I pray for them & that they will both find something soon. These are scary & uncertain times we are living through & it is a worry. You manage to always find the beauty in things my dear friend - thank you for all that you share with us x0x0x

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely post. I'll be praying for you and your family.

Sherry said...

So sorry about the job situation. I had to retire early for health reasons and my son was jobless last year. I prayed for him every time he went for an interview and he finally found a job he likes. Prayers for you and your family that the Lord has better things in store. Many blessings, dear Jennifer.

Chris said...

Prayers from Idaho in the US for you and your family, dear Jennifer!

Anonymous said...

Der Jenny, I am so sorry about the job losses! You and your dear family are always in my prayers. The times are certainly difficult. I'm so glad that you know and depend on the Lord because He has everything that concerns you and yours in His hands. It isn't easy, but His care is sure. Sweet lady I must say that clothesline is darling! It is perfect! Being able to replicate it, however may be hard for those of us who are still learning, but it is a must have! Thank you! Thank you for all of your beautiful patterns and your generosity to share them. Still praying and still expecting God's perfect solution for you all.

Candis said...

Hello Jennifer. I love all that you write about here on your blog, and your stitchery is absolutely beautiful. I am praying for your husband and your son-in-law to find jobs, believing that the Lord will provide. I’m also praying for you and Blossom as keepers of the home. So many times your words have been such a blessing to me. Thank you for sharing.

Tammy said...

Dearest Jennifer

What a lovely post today. Minus the parts about Ross And Mr. E both out of work now. I am praying for both of them to find a really good job. Thank you for block 14 and for the wonderful bible study as well. I so enjoy these .

Love Always,

Susan said...

You are all on my prayer list, of course, but I know you have prepared for such a situation as well as it is possible to prepare. This Virtuous Wife sew along has been worth reading, even if I can't currently do much embroidery - hands are still so shaky. I learn so much as you expound on the woman written of in Proverbs 31, and wish I were more like her, while being glad for the things we do share. Thank you for your thoughts and example. God will bless you all as you continue close to Him and His word, I know. He stays by me, too.

Caroline said...

So sorry to read that your families are experiencing difficult times, I pray that your men will find new work quickly. Thank you for the quilt block