Somehow just saying "5 more sleeps" makes the time suddenly seem shorter...when it was 9 it was such a long way off, and even 6 seemed forever away...but 5 - yes, 5 is almost within reach of pure joy. ;-)
Of course, it may be 5 sleeps until we drive away but it's still 7 sleeps till we see the kids.
This morning they attended Mass at a church close to where they are staying and sent me a text after to say it was "awesome!". That pretty much made my day! :-)
Speaking of my day.
We visited the local laundromat so the washing is now up to date and we can wear clothes that don't pong...
...oh, and so can Bob-the-dog!
Sad news is the demise of my 16 year old hair dryer who, having lost various attachments over the years, recently refused to allow it's temperature or air speed to be adjusted, and would go on strike at the most inopportune moments. Today, finally, it tended its resignation and left my world....
...which meant my lovely STRAIGHT new hair-do from Wednesday can no longer be trained to lay straight. Curls insist on appearing!
I took this photo in the mirror - it needs to be cleaned, eh? Tomorrow I will be purchasing a new, invincible hair dryer. With attachments. That work. All the time.
From the stitching front, I have finally finished block 4 of Cheryl's "Verandah Views"...

...and begun Allie's new stitchery. She hasn't shared it yet (apart from a wee peek) so perhaps if you ask her nicely she'll give you a bigger sneak peek. Tell her I sent you...she can wag her finger at me for spilling the beans, but then she'll forgive me 'cause she's such a sweetheart!
Not stitching, but still handiwork - I began crocheting a dishcloth. I can barely crochet to save myself but I persevered to complete 2 rows while lunch was cooking. If I do 2 rows a day until we arrive at the new house I can use it to wash the dishes on July 14th. ;-) I am not quite up to Stephanie's standard yet, but I'm giving it a go. The colour is more lime green than you can see in this photo, btw.
And before I go, I wanted to show you these gorgeous rose brooches! I bought them yesterday at the craft store in town as I've had my eye on them for weeks. All the others had been sold when I went in yesterday, so I snatched these up immediately and scolded myself for waiting so long.
I have plans for the brown one already - an addition to one of the swaps I'm in - but the mauve one I have no idea how I'll use. Perhaps on a bag pattern I have floating around my mind?
How would you use these brooches?
Of course, it may be 5 sleeps until we drive away but it's still 7 sleeps till we see the kids.
This morning they attended Mass at a church close to where they are staying and sent me a text after to say it was "awesome!". That pretty much made my day! :-)
Speaking of my day.
We visited the local laundromat so the washing is now up to date and we can wear clothes that don't pong...
I took this photo in the mirror - it needs to be cleaned, eh? Tomorrow I will be purchasing a new, invincible hair dryer. With attachments. That work. All the time.
...and begun Allie's new stitchery. She hasn't shared it yet (apart from a wee peek) so perhaps if you ask her nicely she'll give you a bigger sneak peek. Tell her I sent you...she can wag her finger at me for spilling the beans, but then she'll forgive me 'cause she's such a sweetheart!
I have plans for the brown one already - an addition to one of the swaps I'm in - but the mauve one I have no idea how I'll use. Perhaps on a bag pattern I have floating around my mind?
Clean clothes are good, even for the dog LOL. Your embroidery projects are sooooo cute!! You look to be doing very well with your crochet dish cloth, once you get to going, it will be done in no time. The brooches are lovely, I would just wear them on my jacket.
Crispy - BTW, I love the bit of curl in your hair :o)
I agree with Crispy, you hair looks lovely. Your stitches are beautiful! We are with you in the countdown, best of luck!
PS-love the new background on your blog! Very Cherry, I mean Cheery!
Now its not too long anymore. If you keep as busy as it seems the last 5 days will go by very fast. Aren´t your broches rather fingerrings? Why don´t you just wear them?
7 sleeps wow they will fly by...good to hear you have some non pong clothes too wear....aww sorry to hear about the demise of your hairdryer..your hair looks great wish mine sat like that, nope it looks like I've just got our of a car having driven down the Stuart hwy doin 80 with all windows down.
Hmm more lovely stitchin happening eh, oh and crochet too-your crochet looks good too me- umm errr hope the hand is ok? gosh woman you ven counting the days till you will be washing dishes in the new house you crack me up...I actually knitted last night I really enjoyed it as I have not done it for sooo long-but yep my arm let me know about it this morning.
Lots of embroidery going on at your place. Love it all.
Your hair looks great curly. Mine is sort of curly too and I just let it lay how it wants. I think I have you beat as far as the hair dryer goes. Mine is about 25 years old and it still works great. It surprises me every time I use it.
I forgot to tell you that I like your new blog designs.
What a pain that must be to have to pay to go do your washing, wish my Bobby would ware a coat but it's a no way mum from him, Got my fabric for the lovely new stitchery, i toohave been counting your days but didn't take travel into it.
You changed your blog header. How nice.
Lovely brooches. I would stick one on a lapel of one of the many jackets I wear. On a bag would be nice too.
I really like Allie's stitchery and keep crocheting. It is just the same as with everything else - practice and you become better at it.
Jenny, I think your hair looks lovely! Busy hands are making those days fly by :-)
Jenny, your hair looks fabulous - and 7 sleeps will soon pass. Hugz xxx
Love the New Blog Look...Cool.!You are well & truly keeping yourself busy...can't believe it's down to 5days now...Nice Photo..
Nice Brooches...I'd wear it on a Shirt...
Jenny, your crocheting looks fine to me. I am self taught and try for even stitches. I would just wear that mauve brooch. They are both very pretty. Colleen
It's almost time to go, woohoo! The last few days will fly.
Jenny, your hair looks darling. I've given up on straight hair - the older I get, the curlier it gets. Completely unmanageable.
Yep, you spilled the beans - now you have to help me get a pdf on my blog, lol! I'm really excited to share them, I never would have created them if it wasn't for your encouragement.
Your crocheting looks marvelous, and you will enjoy washing dishes with your new dishcloth. Well, enjoy it more than you would with a store-bought one, anyway, lol.
The brooches are lovely - and I would decorate a bag with them, perhaps as a flower center!
I like your hair like that! It's very flattering! Your old dryer did you a favor by kicking the bucket, you now have TWO new hairdo's!
I think your hair looks great with the waves! More volume! But then, I hate 8-)
Your crochet looks great! A new cloth to use at the new house, how great is that! lol... 8-)
I hadn't even noticed your blog look change until I read everyone's comments here...Popped back to look, and thought "how does one not see that!?!" Duh!!! Looks great Jenny! 8-)
5 more sleeps will come in no time! I must look at a map and see how far your travels to your new home will take you... I love maps!
We count sleeps in our house too...its such good fun. Love Bob's clothes!! Cathyx
Around 1965 I went to a workshop and made that kind of brooces you got but I do not often wear one.Can I send you one "made in Sweden"?
I really wait for next "shabby roses"
I think you have great looking hair! So sorry to read about the demise of your hair dryer. I hope that your move goes smoothly.
Clean clothes, lovely hair perfect...
By the weekend, you'll be on your way, not long now, gosh we are counting down with you, almost like we are going too, I guess we are in a way!
Keep busy..time will pass!
Julia ♥
Hello gorgeous Jen!
I love your new blog makeover - very fresh and cheery! :-) Very you!
Bob's coats are just SO darn cute!
Your brooches are gorgeous... I think your idea of using one on a bag is wonderful! I particularly like them on the front of clutch bags.
Not long to go sweetness... I'll write to you again later! :-)
Vikki xx
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply! Life gets busy doesn't it?! I'd love to meet you at Maccas to take you just down the road and show you that bottle tree. They're amazing things! Just let me know what the dates are that you're here.
Much Love!
Oh, and the cockatoos are every where up here at the moment!!
Louise D, I would *love* a brooch made in Sweden!! Email me and I'll give you my address. If it's after tomorrow night you won't hear from me till July 16th though. Thanks so much! :-)
Lovely new hair do! Your dishcloth looks fantastic. As for my standard...remember I'm still doing the basic beginner stuff. :o) As for the brooch...a bag, definitely a bag! I just went through tons of old buttons at my mom's house and scored some gorgeous rhinestone ones.
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