We've been here 8 days now, and with all the unpacking and recovering at it's end we are settling down to a period of adjustment.
We are living on the campus of the boarding school my husband teaches at. This is the front of our house, no laundry as you can see...my washing machine faces the street. You can see the top of the carport - this is where our pet possum comes-a-calling for her nightly fruit snack. She leans over and knocks on the security door until we acknowledge her.
This is the back yard, with the school in the background - actually that is my husband's manual arts block you can see. It takes him about 30 seconds to walk from our back door to his office each morning, and Blossom's roll class is about 60 seconds away. ;-)
Just near our back fence is an old barbeque with a mirror left leaning in it. The birds literally fight over who gets to look at their plumage in that mirror! We can hear the squawking all day long.
They also like to sit on this old whiteboard the previous residents left behind, annoying Bob-the-dog no end as that is his favourite 'resting' spot. The birds are not afraid of us - they come and sit on the balcony rail at the back door just inches from us as though expecting us to offer them a treat. They will be waiting a long time, we're already feeding that possum. Speaking of which....
...Blossom has named her Magdeleine. Maggie for short. Here she is last night feasting on banana.
These are a few blocks I stitched in the car while my husband drove us here. I finally began to catch up on all those lovely BOMs, but I still have many more to do!
Gail Pan's Christmas Wish
Cheryl Goss's "Verandah Views"
I need to add the eyes to this "Breast of Friends" block, but isn't it beautiful?
I stitched many more blocks, but I can't show them to you.
You'll get to see them one by one as you complete my Shabby Roses BOM this year. ;-) Only one more block for me to stitch then I can sew the entire quilt top together and begin the quilting - I'm so excited about that!
We are living on the campus of the boarding school my husband teaches at. This is the front of our house, no laundry as you can see...my washing machine faces the street. You can see the top of the carport - this is where our pet possum comes-a-calling for her nightly fruit snack. She leans over and knocks on the security door until we acknowledge her.
These are a few blocks I stitched in the car while my husband drove us here. I finally began to catch up on all those lovely BOMs, but I still have many more to do!
Gail Pan's Christmas Wish
You'll get to see them one by one as you complete my Shabby Roses BOM this year. ;-) Only one more block for me to stitch then I can sew the entire quilt top together and begin the quilting - I'm so excited about that!
Your stitcheries are beautiful!
The bbq area under that big tree in your backyard looks very beckoning, I am sure you will doing alot of stitching and designing under it!
Gosh, what a shame about the laundry. I have had the washing machine in the bathroom for the past four years and know how frustrating that is. Maybe you can put up a screen or grow a vine in sping to screen off your laundry area from the street.... is it a busy street or more of a deadend type street?
I am sure you still have more unpacking and sorting out to do, it can take a few weeks to properly settle in to a place.
It sounds like you are enjoying your resident wildlife! They can be lots of fun, I have no doubt that we will be seeing some possums in your work soon....*grin* Bec xxxx
Well Jen it does sound like you have settled into your new life, even after 8 days...
Hi, your sticheries are beautifull like al of those you made! Have a nice and creative week. Hugs, Renata.
How strange to have your washer outside. Thanks for letting us see your new house. It is nice that your husband doesn't have a long commute. Looks like you are settling in nicely.
Lovely stitcheries Jenny. I look forward to the next installment to the Shabby Rose BOM, even though I'm just collecting right now :0)
Your new home looks wonderful. Maggie is cute. Great job on the stitcheries. I am way behind on my stitchery projects. I hope to spend some time soon tracing them so I can start stitching.
Thanks for showing us around...great stitcheries, you've done a wonderful job while travelling that distance♥x
how grateful i am to see that you have reached your destination safe and sound, surrounded by your family once again. looks like things are back to normal--sweet! thank you for the tutorial, it solved two of my questions. wishing you many blessings in your new home. rita
Your new home looks really nice, I bet you will like it there, and the school so near by is great for your husband and your daughter.
My goodness, such a long commute to work and school, lol. Those birds are too funny. I figured Blossom would name the possum quickly - love the name!
Can't believe how much stitching you did, you go girl! Everything looks amazing.
Jenny, Did you get the surprise I sent you a few weeks ago? I sure hope you did and that it didn't get lost somewhere between here (Texas, USA) and there (Australia!) I hope you're settling in OK. That possum is cute but ours don't anything like yours. Yours are much cuter!
Hi Jenny! It looks like you are settling in nicely. :)
Tell your daughter she looks lovely in her uniform. I pray she makes friends quickly.
So good to know you made it safely and are getting settled in. Man, am I happy for you all, for the school being *so* close, and pray that this new situation is a blessing for your family.
Kim, LilyAuntie in TX
p.s. Anna is correct, your possums are much cuter than ours! Hugs to the kids, too!!
Your Maggie is funny...knocking on the door! You work really fast! Wow, you just got there and already you've got it all together! lol....do you like it there? You sound very positive and you are getting a "monster" amount of stitcheries done....I do love your stitcheries...I've not started the Shabby Roses stitcheries but plan to do them...when is the new BOM going to be published? Maybe I should just wait and start at the beginning of the BOM....hmmm Anyhoo, love your work and your blog.
Wow! Such a long journey for you! Hope that it's all going well up there for you. Possums aren't always nice...!! I can't believe how much stitching you got done in the car!! Well done!! They look beautiful! :)
Glad to hear you are home & settling... Praying for a GREAT working relationship for hubby and friendships to abound for all of you! (Love dd's formal uniform, w/out the blazer--looks like something out of the 30s or 40s.. Adorable!) That was SOME trip!
Hugs & prayers,
Donna C, LilyFriend from TX
Thanks for sharing Jen and I do hope the owners put pity on you with seeing the washing machine out front and build on a laundry. I like how the birds love the mirror and all your BOMs are looking so pretty. Your sewing is so beautiful :) hugs Vicki
Ahh yes, that looks like Central Queensland and that house so typical. I'm sure your hubby can build a nice screen for your washing machine.
Manual Arts was my favourite subject at school, I didn't do Home Economics, my Mum taught me everything I know.
Don't you love the magpie warble, it's such a beautiful sound.
Hi Jenny--my you were busy on that long drive--love the look of your bom's--and thanks for the tour of the outside of your new home--animals sure have a way about them don't they!!! Keep designing--hugs, just, Di
Wow! I can't believe it's been 8 days already! Sounds like the people who lived there before you trained all the wildlife for you! Maggie is so cute! Our possums are ugly. Glad you are settling in well!
Beautiful stitcheries! I am going to start on Gail Pans Christmas BOM tomorrow. Yours are lovely. Happy transitioning to your new home and the creatures there. Got to love that kind of welcoming committee!
Very nice to read about of how you are doing!!!!See that the opussum are still comin back!!!Nice stitcery!!!!!Have a nice day!!!
thanks for sharing visuals of your surroundings..Oh my them possum's are cute animals-but watch out they can bring their friends along and my oh my (don't mean to bust anyones bubble) but possum urine is not a nice smell..How did Blossom go on her first day?
cheers Vickie
Hi Jenny....I just added a couple photos to the Shabby Roses Flikr group. I'm so excited I figured out how to do it!
What beautiful work, every single stitch...I especially love the applique and embroidery work together in the Friendship piece. Lovely! Thanks for the tour of your new home, enjoy. kpaints
Maggie is just too cute! Looks like you are settling in well. Lovely home!
Please stop by my blog and see the July 17th post as there is something there for you!!
Hey Jenny,
I'm glad you and your family are settling in to your new home. How convenient to be able to walk to work and school!
Maggie is so cute - very different from our 'possums here/
I've loved seeing where you moved to and the birds and such.
Good luck in your new home and I love your stitcheries, I must get back to mine
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