Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Scripture ~ Joshua 1:8

Over the years I've listened as many lamen that they do not 'hear' God.
My own children have lamented this very same sorrow.

The thing I find most common as I hear of their grievance, and later question them about their circumstances, is an obvious lack of time spent reading their Bible, or meditating on it's application to their lives.

One young man despaired as he sat by a large weir late one evening pleading with God to talk to him and give him an answer to a question. I asked when he had last opened his Bible and he replied, "I don't know...years ago, I suppose..."  I knew the answer he sought was clearly taught in many, many passages of Scripture, but he had no desire to look for them.
It's a sad shortcut mentality, I think. Wanting answers without investing in the relationship first.

Dear child of God, my brothers and sisters in Christ, if your own heart has been longing to hear from your Father and you feel adrift in life, not sure which way to turn or what decision to make, go to His Word.

Trust it. Drink it in. Let it fill you, inspire you, lift you, correct you, and instruct you. 
God's Word is your comfort, your joy, your hope, your eternal promise, your anchor, your spiritual GPS, your book of answers...never will it send you away, nor turn your heart or life along a crooked path.

If you struggle with the habit of daily seeking the Lord in His Word, start with a simple reading plan.
What about the New Testament in a year? It is life-giving truth, and will bless you, bless you, bless you!

I use the Bible Gateway app on my iPad and iPhone for my daily readings. It is FREE and it has so many extras - like commentaries if you need help to understand what you've read, audio bible, dictionary, and over twenty translations so you can choose the one that suits you best - you can even compare a couple of translations at the same time to fully absorb the meaning and depth of Scriptures. You can read it anywhere, anytime...and if your eyesight is waning you can increase the font to as large as you like.
I praise God for this free app each day!

Maybe you like to write?
I'm writing out the book of Psalms this year and have found it more enriching to my spirit than I can express...

As I write the passages they come to life in my spirit, and I find myself captivated by the intensity of joy, grief, hope and truth shared by the psalmists. Always I can relate to them, and this reminds me that I am not alone in whatever circumstance I am facing...someone before me felt the same way. When David turns his trials over through each verse one thing stands clear - he never forgot from where his Hope would come. Heaven.

However you choose to revive these Words of Life into your daily routine, be assured that it will bring a blessing. For God's word is a gift, and His gifts always bless.
You only need make a start. Make one small step towards Him and He will make large strides towards you...

bless you heaps,


Jacqueline said...


Christina said...

Very well said, and also very encouraging.

Liz said...

Agreed. Faith cometh from hearing and hearing from the Word of God . It is amazing how many people don't hear God but won't read His word to us.

Faith in TX said...

Thank you so much. Sometimes God does tell us and we are too busy to listen, or what he is saying isn't what we want to hear. He is all around us. He sent me to you early this morning and I got a gift in your words. The psalms are my favorite also and I like the idea of writing them out.
Take care jenny. You are blessed.

Tricia said...

Amen!! What a beautifully written post! Do you mind if I link to this post from my GraceWorks blog? It fits right in with our heart and purpose of providing tools for homemakers with an emphasis on God's Word, and I'd love to share it!



Ju said...

Olá Jenny,
A palavra de Deus é libertadora, protetora, encorajadora e nos mostra que nunca estamos sozinhos.
Amei visitar você e encontrar essa bênção para alegrar o meu dia!

Kathy d said...

What a beautiful meditation and a lovely reminder this Sunday morning. I love your blog and your faithfulness to God's word.

Lin said...

Bless you too Jenny - thank you. xx

MissesStitches said...

What a great idea--to write out the Psalms! I remember when I read all the way through the Bible how special the Psalms were to me. I might just try this. (Although I'm afraid my artwork won't look as pretty as yours!)

cucki said...

such a sweet post..
big hugs x

wendy said...

Thanks you for your inspirational messages. It's like getting a mini sermon, most of which I get a lot more from than some I have heard in church services. I truly do enjoy them. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The best advice there is! We build friendships by spending time with one another. This works for God, too. The place to find God's solutions to our problems is in the scriptures, and then in prayers - which are ALWAYS answered, just not always in my time or my way. =)

barcord said...

Thank you Jenny for these thoughts. On Sunday evening at our youth service, one of the young men spoke on the gift of The Holy Spirit, and how we need to 'listen' to Him through reading the bible. Your post also reflects that message. Thankyou for sharing. Blessings, Bx.

Robin in New Jersey said...

Thank you for reminding everyone that His Word is the best thing you can read! Besides a daily devotional, I read the Psalms everyday. They bless me and encourage me.

Grammy Shell said...

I really enjoy your posts and your sharing what you learn from God's word. When I got my first computer I was typing out the Bible. It is amazing how much more you get from the verses when you read them more slowly! I try to do my studying first thing in the morning or the day has a way from getting in the way, too many other things crowd my mind! Like stitching on my LAST Promises & Borders block LOL

Beverly said...

Jenny, your faith and trust in our Lord and Savior is truly a blessing. Thank you for your inspiration!

JPatz said...

Jenny, I have been following the Lord's Prayer stitcheries this year and your latest post goes right to my heart. I will find this app you mentioned and take a closer walk with Our Lord :) Thank you for always sharing your faith with us. Debby in New York State USA