I'm a little under the weather and a tad exhausted as this head cold has now spread to my chest, so my usual Sunday blog post is a day early and much shorter, but you know, I think that's exactly what the Lord wants.
Open His Word today and see where He leads you.
Listen while His Spirit brings wisdom and direction to the ears of your understanding and changes you from the inside out to be more like our sweet Jesus.
That's what I shall be praying for you, and what I hope you'll pray for me. xx
"The Word of God" is a free stitchery pattern I shared a little while ago. Why not download it now (here) and prepare it for your Sabbath sewing over the next little while?
Mine became a cover for a very old and fragile Bible and as I look upon this cover each day I remember that every word I'm about to read within those delicate pages is speaking directly to my soul from my Father above who loves me.
Those same living and powerful words are speaking into your soul too.
Listen...it's the Father.
He has something to tell you, precious child.
God bless,
God bless,
God speed for a quick recovery. I love the stitchery. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents with us.
Beautiful work...perfect to cover the most lovely gift. Thank you for sharing it Jenny. I will do just that since my Bible needs a cover. Praying that you begin to feel better soon.
Lovely cover. Hope you get over this stuff soon and get to feeling better.
Espero que te cures cuanto antes. Cuidate mucho. Gracias por el patrón. Bless you.
Jenny, what a wonderful and powerful message for stitching. I need to have hubby to print out this one and several other of your projects for doing as the weather turns colder. I sure pray that the Lord embraces you and protects you while you are not feeling well. Feel better soon. Brenda
Thank you for the pattern! Hope that you're feeling better soon.....
I hope you find something that eases your cold. This sounds like a bad one. The good news is that since it's moved to your chest, that means it's moving out! You are so right about reading God's word. If we want to stay close to Him, if we want to know who He is, we need to read what he's left for us. I pray for you much time in His word this weekend, and much rest for your body. Sometimes He is just saying slow down for a season.
Beautiful words beautifully stitched, Jenny. I hope you soon feel much better.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful pattern !!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful pattern!
Hope you fell better very soon, thank you for the lovely pattern. God bless you.
Dear Jenny Wishing you a speedy recovery. So sorry to hear you are not well. You have the prayers of all your followers. Wishing you well very soon. Thank you for your delightful inspiration you dish out to us on a daily basis. Blessings.xxGlenise
Your stitchery is lovely, it really is truly amazing when you open your Bible day after day and God opens it up to you. I do hope you will prove this true for you this week as you rest and recover. x
Hope you're feeling better now since I'm just now reading this post.
Take care of yourself! You work so hard & produce so much so take it easy. It will all be there when you come back to it.
This is one of my favorite patterns. Have just finished it. I will need to complete another for a gift.
Thank you for sharing.
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