It's my turn this month to share a new Postcard pattern with you.
I chose this Scripture because it's very personal to my own life story, but I know it touches the hearts of most Christians, especially when times are tough and it seems that life is on a downward spiral.
Jesus told us that we are worth MORE than many sparrows to the Father, that God has counted every hair on our head and He knows exactly what we want and need before we even ask.
It's a beautiful thing to be loved that much... as you stitch this block let His truth sink deep into your soul, and believe it.
You know, I was reading 2 Corinthians chapter 5 yesterday and verse 11 jumped off the page at me...
"but what we are is known to God"
...because it made this month's Postcard scripture even more astounding.
God knows us warts and all, sin and all, bad attitude and all, selfishness, pride, envy, neglect and ALL.
What we are is known to God and despite this He STILL declares "you are worth more than many sparrows to Me" (Matthew 10:31) and I think that's awesome, don't you?
All the blocks in our Postcards From Heaven BOM this year are free downloads. Allie and I chose to alternate sharing a different block with you every month by designing 6 blocks each throughout 2016.
UPDATE 2021 -
Block 3 is a free download (as well as Block 1) HERE
My blocks are coloured and feature buttons and beads whilst hers are beautifully redworked...
My blocks have each verse as a paraphrase/conversation as though a father is writing a postcard to his daughter, whilst Allie has decided to stitch the full KJV scripture.
If you prefer to use her wording she kindly shares the template over here at her blog.
We encourage you to stitch the postcards from your heart in your own precious style - and we'd love to see photos of them too so email either of us with photos, okay?
Other sewing...
I'm half way through stitching the patterns for the March issue of The Stitchery Club.
There's a bit of country, a bit of love, and an inspiring pear so far...
Now to finish the other three.
Fun indeed!
All information about this monthly PDF pattern club can be found over HERE.
It's open to members worldwide and there's no minimum membership to be locked in to.
Why don't you give it a try?
Have a blessed day! I'm off to visit Blossom for coffee before starting work. It's really wonderful that she's moved just 5 minutes away...really really wonderful.
Wow wow wow
Love all your sweet stitches my dear
You awesome :)
Beautiful as always! Thank you!
Thank you for a new pattern. It is lovely.
All your pattern for the stitchery club are lovely too! Good work!!
Greetings to Blossom. God bless you.
Another little "Jenny bird" for my friends to spot! What a lovely surprise this postcard has been.
EEP! I'd better get my post done - it's 10:30pm Feb 29 here, I keep forgetting you're so far ahead of me, lol! Oh Jenny I adore the stitchery club patterns - they could not get any cuter!
As you always deliver...on time and far above the "special" factor. This is a very Sweet postcard. I do love your Stitchery Club and monthly patterns-a-plenty. I am not able to be stitching as I would lie right now...however I realize your patterns are timeless and will keep forever! Bless you Jenny dear...
Oh my! You really are a temptress when it comes to your beautiful creations. I have been trying to restrain myself but I think I'm losing lol. Your postcard is so sweet and I love the sneak peeks of the stitchery club designs. Soooooo hard to resist. Angel hugs.
Lots of beautiful things to look at today! Thanks for the new stitchery, and the sneak peek at the next month of the club. I'm shocked to see a pear. Shocked, I tell you. ;)
Un trabajo precioso Jenny, muchas gracias por el nuevo bloque ¡¡
This is such beautiful work. Enjoy just looking at it. but what is the use of the postcards please?
Oh this postcard really touches me. When I lost my job in 2008, a kind coworker wrote an email to me and I have saved his email in my account all these years. I'm going to see if I can copy and paste a passage from it here:
" It's a scary thing to be in your present situation. Still I happened to
think this morning while walking the dog, there is a passage in I think
the gospel of Matthew where Jesus directs the disciples' attention to
sparrows flitting about and says to them, "not a single one of these
small creatures falls from the sky without your Father's knowledge...
and you are worth so much more than sparrows." So take heart, He cares
for you... immensely. "
This is such beautiful work!!!☺️☺️☺️
Thank you for another lovely post card. Nice preview of next months club.
I am loving your postcards from heaven. I think they would be a lovely gift for someone who needs encouragement. My plan is to make a few, and have them at the ready when the occasion arises. I'd need to get a move on, as I am still on number 1. Thank you so much for this beautiful gift.xx
Hello, I can't seem to find the pattern, either free or in the shop. It just directs me to the general Craftsy website. Can you help at all? I would like to make some of these to encourage people.
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