Aisha arrived from Sydney late last week with 5 month old Austin, and spent four wonderful days with us.
It was the first time I'd met my newest grandson, and the first time the two sisters held each other's babies.
A photo session ensued rather rapidly!
No doubting these two are cousins, right?
I can't tell you the joy I experienced each day with an armful of babies, but also the delight of seeing the LOVE Aisha had for little niece Cully May, and the LOVE Blossom had for nephew Austin Knox.
Both are natural mothers, natural aunties, naturally wonderful daughters to Mr E and I.
Blossom kept swishing her head as she played with Austin so I couldn't capture a good photo of them together, but this one of Aisha with Cully May is lovely...
During our time together we girls talked our heads off, not for a minute running out of conversation, which led Mr E and Blossom's DB to regularly ask when entering the room, "You's are still talking??"
Aisha's response: "Yeh! The women in our family can talk forever."
So very true, and how very grateful I am for that.
Aisha and Austin flew home Monday afternoon and we miss them already.
Fortunately they'll be back again next winter with the rest of their precious family. In the meantime Blossom, Aisha and I chat every day and keep up with our lives in the 'here and now' no matter how far apart we live.
Time to show you the fourth new Christmas design for October's issue of The Stitchery Club...
Do you like the non-traditional Christmas colours I chose for next month's sewing themed patterns?
To be honest I'm not much of a green & red girl, even at Christmas, so I'm enjoying choosing palettes for a modern or shabby chic style of decorating.
What colours are found around your home during the festive season?
Wonderful pics of your gorgeous family. Daughters are rather precious. Gee, your 2 grandchildren look alike! Your stitcheries are just beautiful.
Jenny your grandchildren are gorgeous and your daughters.
Wonderful memories until the next time, and yes always much to talk about and share when with daughters.
Oh Jenny what wonderful time you spent together building beautiful memories. Your girls and babies are gorgeous...
Your family is gorgeous! These babies look like their mothers, and also resemble each other!
I really like your designs. Christmas are many beautiful colors, not just green and red.
Have a Blessed day.
Beautiful family...I am sure you are looking forward to your next visit.
What precious little ones and so alike! You'll certainly have some precious memories to treasure until next time. X
OMG .. your grandbabies are so cute!! And I love the sewing tree design so much! No, I love everythng you do actually!
Many hugs,
Karen B. ~ Todolwen
You have a beautiful family!! Lovely stitcheries!!
I'm pretty much a traditionalist in most things. I do have a purple Christmas quilt and one in aquas and limes, though. =) Love the new designs, LOVE the baby and daughter pictures. How wonderful this time has been! So much healing and love and friendship. I'm so happy for you, but I hope you now take some time to rest! Pretty cool that Blossom's DB and yours had some bonding time available when you ladies were talking your heads off, too. =)
Lovely daughters and absolutely beautiful babies. Your arms and heart so full with love and gratefulness, Jenny ( just like me).
Good Morning Jenny! I really enjoyed reading about your girls and the babies. How wonderful for a four day visit full of love with your grand babies and daughters! The photos you shared are lovely. You are blessed with a dear family. Your choices for the next stitching are delightful. We do all sorts of colors for decorating for the Christmas season, all colors are special so why not use them. Thank you for sharing and have a fantastic creative day!
Beautiful family. Although you would love it, I bet if you had everyone close to you all the time you would get NO stitching done! How could you with all those baby cheeks to squish ;)
It's too bad Anita and Aisha didn't visit at the same time. It would have made it an even more memorable family reunion. Adorable little ones. Mine were fair haired and/or bald for the longest time.
Gosh, they do look like each other. What great photos they are! I can imagine those poor men bewildered by you lot never running out of conversation! Ha..ha....
Loved looking at all the beautiful photo's of your girls and your grand babies - glad you all had a wonderful and precious time together :)
Precious daughters, mothers and babies...making so many memories. I can feel the love just viewing these photos. I am a red and green traditional Christmas girl however I am enjoying your soft non-traditional colors for Handmade Christmas. Blessings and Blissful Love...
Hi Jenny, your new babies look so much alike that they could be brother and sister. Your girls are all gorgeous. I love the designs, although I prefer traditional Xmas colors I really really love the ones you picked, so I'll have a small (delightful) dilemma when its my turn to make mine. Take care, Guida.
I'm so glad you have been able to visit with your beautiful family. Sorry Anita and Aminah couldn't have been there at the same time. Your Christmas designs are very pretty. UGH, the holidays are approaching too quickly. Sorry to be so behind on reading and commenting on your blog.
I love babies, and your grandchildren are the cutest!
They even look alike, you can tell they are related.
Enjoy the time with them, they grow up so fast
What lovely photos of your girls and their babies. I love your new designs too, Jenny. xx
You can absolutely tell those two are cousins - they could be brother and sister!!! What darlings, I'm so glad you had a good visit. Love the new designs, and your colourway!
Hi Jenny
What gorgeous grandchildren!! Can definitely tell they are cousins; same with their other gorgeous cousin. So glad you enjoyed time with your beautiful daughters during their visit; as well as your girls having time together.
Love your new designs-you have a great gift for design and I always love your colour choices.
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