Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The garden and our regular visitors...

This is where I sit each morning to sip my hot coffee, read my Bible and pray...

It's just after dawn and as my husband catches another half hour of sleep I am joined by some feathered visitors who take turns breakfasting from our bird feeder nearby.

We've named the cockatoo "Tom" and discovered he's quite territorial about our back yard. Tom arrives before the sun slips over the top of our home and I think that's because he knows once the orange rays fall upon the feeder his breakfast will be interrupted for a while.

Between reading and prayers I watch him make a delightful mess of the bird seed we've provided, then right on cue as the sky turns bright and sunlight hits the bird feeder another two visitors arrive to shoo him away.

We call this pair of rainbow lorikeets "Double Trouble" because they gang up on poor Tom who must move to one of our trees and wait until they've had their fill before he can return...

All three birds are quite content to have us walk around the yard or beside the feeder, they've quickly become used to us and don't flinch even when Sophie the cat sits right under the feeder watching them from the shrubbery. 

A little later when Mr E and I have our own breakfast outside a few Ibis will drop down from the sky to drill their long beaks into the grass looking for bugs. I haven't been able to get a photo of them yet because Bob the dog does not like them so my spare hand holds him by the collar with hope that one day he'll figure out they are welcome. 

This is where we eat all our meals these days...

...and this is our view. You can see "Double Trouble" at the bird feeder.

Each day the garden changes a bit as we plant things out into the soil, move things around, or add something new.

A small lemon tree in the front yard was almost dead and crippled with curly leaf and mildew so we'd decided to pull it out and plant a new one in a better position but later thought why not give it a fighting chance first?

So hubby and I bought a large terracotta pot, some very good citrus tree soil, and pruned the lemon tree to within an inch of life before potting it. Watering well and praying for a few days what a surprise to see it come to life with new shoots and flowers!!

There are loads of hibiscus and a few bouganvillea trees scattered through the garden, plus an abundance of native grevillea and various other trees - all of which attract butterflies and birds so every day brings bountiful life in and through the gardens.

I've potted some herbs (mint, basil, chives) and planted out rosemary and lavender, but we're not going overboard with filling the gardens just yet as some areas need to be made bigger, a tree close to the house has to be removed, and the entire front yard needs a makeover.

We have about six or seven beautiful Desert Roses around the property but the one near our front door is by far the most glorious!

The rest of the front yard is rather barren (this is where we dug up the dying lemon tree) but along the fence line there are more hibiscus, grevillea and other natives which simply need water and time to come alive with colour. 

I'm in love with Kalanchoe and have purchased a pink and a white which we've planted in pots...

Little by little the garden is coming alive and truly, the joy we receive from this is beyond words.
Each afternoon once the garden chores are finished we cool off in the pool...

...and the funny thing about that is we never, ever wanted a pool. In fact it was the major 'strike' against this house the day we first walked through it. 
But God knows what we need better than we do and swimming each day has brought such relief to our aching bodies that we can't thank Him enough.

This home really is a gift from God and as each day passes and our own touches are made here and there we feel as though we have lived here much longer than 17 days.

My husband finally has his own shed...

...and I have the loveliest kitchen and pantry. They are perfect for my needs and cooking is more of a delight than ever before.

Well, that's definitely more than enough blogging for today. Mr E is waiting for a lovely thick slice of date loaf and a cuppa before we settle down to watch telly for a bit.

Drop by on Friday for the next Alphabet Pincushion, okay? I had to change my sewing room around a bit yesterday when I was stitching it because I discovered my original layout wasn't going to work as well as I'd first imagined - but I'll show you the tweaks on Friday. 

Until then, bless you ever so much,


gracie said...

Thank you for sharing your garden... lovely place to sit for sure.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the pics , very happy for you Jenny! God bless your family and home. 🌸🌸🦋🦋💕💕❤️

Marie Atkinson said...

So pretty. Looks like you are settling in nicely.

Suzan said...

It is lovely to see you settling into your forever home.

Karen said...

So lovely. I feel like I am with your there touring the garden and oohing' and aahing' over all the treasures. Love the desert rose at the front door. It is so pretty. Does it smell Jenny? It is so wonderful to hear how much you are enjoying the new home. A gift from a Good Father enjoyed by His children

Allie said...

Oh darling your own bit of paradise - I love it!!! Gorgeous flowers, and those delightful birds - love the little chair with the pot on it - and Mr. E's lovely shed! But oh girl that pool looks SO inviting, God always knows best what we need, so glad He gave that to you!!!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home!!!!!

Little Quiltsong said...

Oh, how I have enjoyed walking through your gardens today, and seeing the little spot of paradise you now call home. I'm just so happy for you - and for your pool, that relieves those aching muscles at the end of day. Love Kalanchoes!! Each Christmas I would buy two to set out on my kitchen windowsill. Our present home doesn't have wide enough windowsills to do that with, and I do miss that. I still enjoy them on one of my end tables though - they are a favorite. Enjoy your morning devotions with your lovely visitors. Love that scene!

Anonymous said...

Just love the Hibiscus with the orange flower. Stunning! Also the varigated foliage of the red Hibiscus. God is so faithful, and has provided this wonderful home in His time!Regards Robyn S.A

Nanna Chel said...

Jenny, I was wondering if you were okay so thanks for the update. I saw some desert roses in Mt. Isa. They are beautiful. Little by little you will beautify your garden and have it the way you want it. A little rain would help too I would imagine.

Friend said...

So fun to glimpse your little tour! It is so different from things here in Tennessee USA!

Jusmom1 said...

Jenny your garden is beautiful. I wish you many years of peace and happiness within its borders.

Anonymous said...

So worth the wait, enjoy. Rita

Unknown said...

What a truly beautiful place to worship the Father!! And an awesome answer to prayers!!! God is good!!!

Little Penpen said...

How breathtakingly beautiful! Your pool is wonderful. And I hope you never take for granted those beautiful birds that are native to your environment. It amazes me that you can see them right in your own yard!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Wow! It's just lovely. I sure did enjoy your tour. There's just nothing better than enjoying God's lovely world.

Barbara said...

I really like the wide arm rests of your outdoor blue couch! What a comfortable and useful design for your morning mediations and beverage!

Your garden is wonderful, such a variety of plants and colors. Congrats on the revival of the lemon tree! How gratifying is that?!!!!!

Rosemary said...

Lovely!! You are absolutely blessed!!

Ingrid said...

Cuántas cosas lindas, Jenny! Me alegra que estés disfrutando hasta de la más pequeñita pieza de los regalos de Dios que te rodean. Que traviesos los loritos. Son como una banda de malandrines que entre los dos se enfrentan a Tom, jejejeje. Y las fotos de las plantas y flores me encantaron. No conocía esa Rosa del desierto. Aquí donde vivo seguramente se daría espectacular, porque es una zona cálida y árida (todo el año). Gracias por compartir e inspirarnos. Eres un ejemplo para todas nosotras, tus seguidoras. Un abrazo!!!

Robin in New Jersey said...

Very lovely! And you have a clothesline! ❤

jrtemps said...

I so enjoy your Posts. So happy for you and husband finding your forever home. Many Blessings to you.

Kendra said...

Jenny, I have been following you for years now, and it brings tears to my eyes to see God finally bring a forever home to you and your hubby. I can see the joy it has given to you. May God continue to bless your family.

LJ said...

This is such fun to live vicariously through your words and photos. I love flowers and envy all the gorgeous tropical plants you have. Sure hope the lemon tree does well; it looks like it might. The birds are a delight. I see that you also have a place to hang your wash outside; my most favorite thing to do is drying the laundry on the clothesline. :) I'm glad you've found that the pool is a actually a plus; the Lord works in strange ways.

RosieGma said...

Oh what lovely visitors to your forever home. The photos of your flowers and garden are just a taste of what you will add in the future.. And yes the pool is a blessing.

Kathleen said...

Beautiful yard! Thank you for the tour. I was wondering about the shed in the back yard, if it was yours or a neighbor's. Now I see your swimming pool is way back there and seems very private, even from your own house. A hidden treasure.

Material Girl said...

So happy for you! Looks perfect!

Kitty Owens said...

So happy that you have a house that suits you so well. Can't wait to see your yards looking as wonderful as your patterns. You've blessed all of us with your wonderful patterns,recipes, and spiritual writings that it's so good to you being blessed with this wonderful new home.

Jenny said...

Oh I am so very happy for you! What a paradise you have to enjoy with your sweet family.

Karleen said...

You are really blessed to have this lovely home. Enjoyed seeing your garden. Keep the pictures coming as am having fun seeing what you have.

Farm Quilter said...

Isn't it so cool when God's hand in our lives makes itself so evident? To a little thing you didn't want that becomes a huge blessing...because He knew!! Beyond thrilled about your new home! Your garden will perk up completely with your tender, loving care. What we are seeing now is gorgeous...soon it will be ready for amazing photos of beautiful flowers and plants that will make the rest of us drool! Praise the Lord for His blessings! Please pray for the people of Florida and the southeastern part of the United States...they are being pounded by a Category 4 hurricane right now and the news is showing pictures of homes losing their roofs in the 140 mph winds, 14 foot storm surge, torrential rain and tornadoes. Having a daughter "in the path" (300 miles northeast of the landing site), makes this momma pray even more. She has already has flooding where she is from the outer bands. Even though the hurricane has made landfall, it is still a Cat. 4, doing tremendous damage and heading to the east coast when they are still trying to recover from the hurricane that hit them in September...flooding still hasn't receded there.

Shirley said...

I love reading your blog and seeing the joy you both have living in your paradise on earth, you so deserve it. Oh a lemon tree in flower, it smells devine, I wish we could grow them in our garden (the Netherlands) too. Would a rockery with succulents and different kind of prairie grasses be an idea for the front garden?

Brenda said...

Hello Jenny, I am so delighted that you have shared all of this beauty and comfort with us. It is wonderful knowing that you are both so happy and enjoying every bit of what you do and discover. Have a spectacular time continuing to make this home your home.

Alison Ryan said...

Jenny, I am so, so happy for you, your garden is so beautiful and I love those bougainvilleas, they are all over Spain and I love the flowers. And your pool is fantastic, what a great way to unwind at the end of the day.Thank you for the pictures of the birds as well xx

Julie said...

Your garden looks beautiful dear Jenny. I am guessing you will have to water your new plants alot over summer as things already look very dry there. I look forward to seeing you create your own little piece of paradise there. That pool looks so inviting after time spent in the garden. I am sure you will use it lots. Xxx

Angie in SoCal said...

What is that glorious orange flower? Those desert roses would be worth hundreds here. Treasure them. I had one on our patio - seem to bloom continuously until a sudden cold night made it mush. Lovely place you have. You have been blessed.

Rita Lynn said...

This is a beautiful spot to enjoy the back garden and read and have your meals. I've never heard of a desert rose. I live in Arizona, I'll look to see if we have them.

Terri - Palm Bay, FL said...

Jenny, your home is lovely and I just love your garden. What a treasure you have acquired and I know that you and Mr. E. are going to be very happy there. Thank you for the tour and for sharing your little bit of heaven on earth with all of us. You deserve a place of your own, much peace, love and happiness. God bless you and Mr. E.

Emma Christian said...

My goodness, you have settled in so beautifully! I love your outdoor sitting area, just so lovely and your bird friends are great! I'm looking forward to feeding the parrots when we move. Being we live in broad, open, cropping country the bird life is pretty minimal here.


Susie said...

Wow! Your home sure looks beautiful. I love the garden and oh.... a pool. I'd love one. I'm sure I couldn't live in the tropics without one. As I mentioned to you before my aunt's second knee replacement recovery was so much quicker once she had her pool due to the benefits of movement in water. I'm so glad you love your home.

gail said...

Dearest Jenny, thank you for showing us your garden. Some lovely bits and pieces. As I walk around my own garden and visit the cuttings that dear friends have shared I find much joy. I truely believe The Lord smiles when we admire His handiwork in trees, plants and flowers. Thank you for your very generous spirit in sharing the things He has blessed you with.����‍♀️

Wendyb said...

Can’t wait to visit 😘❤️

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Angie, it's a hibiscus. We have a few different varieties and colours in the garden.

Joanne said...

Hi Jenny,
What a gorgeous place to live! So much garden space! Loads of colour! Feels like home !

Martha Roberts said...

I can feel the happiness in each photo, dear Jenny. Beautiful flowers!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love seeing photos of where you now live. It won't be too long before the snow starts falling here (after a late season heat wave!). Once I am tired of the cold, I can come here or at The Bluebirds are Nesting and see beautiful color.

matty said...

I am in love with your home! It is so different from where I live -- mountains, colder weather (like 40s F tonight), and such different flora and fauna! The pinks are so lovely and just pop; they suit! Isn't it fun to play house every day?? <3

KingsailK said...

Jenny,thanks for that wonderful tour of your garden!!I love it all ,I downloaded the photos of the birds!They are LOVELY and thethw names I love ,can I use them in story writing for children stories which I hope to start soon?!!I also hope to use my son's illustrations which he drew at 9!!he ia now 20!.I was healed of breast cancer 2years ago and Psalm91 is a real favourite of mine since then and last year I had a major op on ankle where I had to use a wheelchair x3months to aid healing,my husband Mark put up a bird feeder in the garden so I could watch my feathered friends.I love the desert roses.and the story of the lemon tree ,I love rescuing plants!I am delighted you have a pool a LOVELY Blessing from our Heavenly Father!Enjoy.from a blowy N.Ireland xxMary-Lou

simplestitches said...

thank you for the tour around your home...its lovely! your garden is peaceful and inviting....

Lin said...

It looks beautiful Jenny. So pleased you were able to rescue the lemon tree. xx

Joyce Frazier said...

Why a lovely post! I enjoyed walking through your gardens and meeting your new critters. Your house and property seem perfect for you and Mr. E. The pool is ever so helpful when a body has aches and pains. It requires work but the benefits are great! I love your abundance of plants and flowers. Enjoy your new home Jenny! Happy creating! You and Mr. E deserve it!

Joyce Frazier said...

It show What a lovely post.....not why! I even looked it over! Have a great day!

Montse said...

Que jardín tan bello tenéis Jenny ,las flores son preciosas ,me gusta mucho tu rosal del desierto ,disfrutarlo mucho .

Outback Crafter - Debra said...

Oh Jenny your home and yard look so homely. So glad you are finding your peace.

Susan said...

It was truly delightful to read this post, see all the plants and love you are bestowing on your yard. I know how much you love plants! The birds are delightful, and I can only think lorikeets are more aggressive than cockatoos. I've had a cockatoo, but never a lorikeet, so I don't know about them, at all. I'm so pleased the house is working out so well for you!

Winifred said...

A pool that's so marvellous Jenny. Would have been top of my list as long as I didn't have to clean it.
Nice to relax in it as you say to ease the aches & pains.

What a lovely patio area too. How great to be able to sit outside and enjoy your lovely garden.