It was a pretty big morning here with a new 'baby' born - not the chubby, cuddly kind though.
My very first issue of Faith In Hand was emailed to all Club members just an hour or so ago, and I have to tell you that moment was huge in my heart because today was the fruition of a dream which the Lord in His wisdom delayed for a whole year.
But we all know HIS timing is perfect so experiencing that 'go forth' directive which spoke into my spirit about two months ago was indeed joyous (and a little scary at the same time).
Now I know that many people prefer not to join monthly clubs but like to buy patterns individually as they have need or opportunity so I've listed the three patterns inside my first issue of Faith In Hand as individual purchases HERE in my Etsy Shop today.
(this pattern includes the mini quilt pattern as well)
Next week I'll have more new patterns to list on Etsy.
They're not Bible themed but they are so pretty and I really hope you love them as through out this past year I've been quietly stitching away on a number of things that made my stitching heart quite satisfied.
And of course there's a FREE block of the month next year to look forward to so if time permits I'll give you a peek at that on the blog next week too.
NOW...let's complete our Words of Life Table Runner project.
Today we're stitching block 6, Faith, and we'll bring all the blocks together as a simple table runner.
You know, I couldn't do what I do if I didn't have faith.
It always surprises me when people praise my ability to design and stitch because they are looking at a woman, a very ordinary woman, who relies solely on the gifts that God gives her.
It's really not in my DNA to create this way.
But it's in HIS and He chose to answer a prayer, the same prayer I prayed for two solid years as my teenage children neared the end of their homeschooling.
"Lord, what will I do after homeschooling? Father, please bless me with a portion of your Creative ability so that I can glorify You with what I make."
That was it, a simple prayer, an earnest request.
And He not only heard me, but He answered me.
In early 2009 I began sharing free designs here on my blog and within months my patterns began to appear in Australian craft magazines.
In FAITH I offered my meagre talent to Jesus and promised to give Him the glory, praying that as I was found trustworthy with His gift that it would increase.
Once again, He answered, and over the years His inspiration came again and again with a new idea and the ability to bring a mental picture to life with needle and thread.
Our LORD requires us to have faith and to be faithful, and from my own experience I can assure you that when I am faithful HE IS MORE FAITHFUL.
DOWNLOAD the pattern for Faith (which includes the table runner finishing instructions)
If you missed any of the previous blocks in this project they will be permanently listed in my blog sidebar as free downloads.
I've included the finishing instructions for Words of Life in the pattern for block 6, Faith, as I thought that was much easier than scrolling through blog posts in the future.
My beloved is home from work today with a virus so I'll sign off now and raid the fridge for bits and pieces which will make a nice easy healthy lunch for him. And brew a pot of green tea with lemon and honey too...
Bless you every so much!
Ah Jenny, you do such beautiful work and yes, I know where your gift comes from. I am about to embark on a mystery advent stitch-along and as I have never done anything like this before, I am certainly asking for guidance that all will be well and I will be able to complete all that will be asked of me. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
Hi Jenny what beautiful saying ,well done on the birth of your wonderful project xx
Bless you again for so much darling Jenny. I most certainly feel you are my sister and dear friend. For the first time ever, I am up to date with one of your projects. Today has seen me "chomping at the bit" to see your last pattern. Everything has stopped me from getting to download and proceed. Now, at 5:30pm, I finally have the luxury of setting up and planning to sew all night until it is finished. What a great feeling to do such a precious piece of work. I want to keep it for myself, but like everything I sew - I delight in giving it to someone special. Who, dear God, shall you choose - awaiting your response.
Thanks Jenny! Faith, it is a beautiful word.
you are very generous with your creations, i just hope one day soon i will get a start on one of these design/sets/projects that i have downloaded; they are all so very pretty!
thanx for sharing
Beautiful, beautiful stitching - love how you found your little niche to glorify the Lord in all you do. I too have reason to praise him over and over. Thank you for this 'Words of Life' stitchery - I hadn't realized how rusty I've gotten with my embroidery, but it is so nice to make this special table runner. Mine is in Christmas fabrics - hope to finish it up soon.
Beautiful designs Jenny and thank ypu for Faith and the table runner. xx
When we step out in faith, He is quick to respond, each and every time!! God has definitely blessed you creatively as you have faithfully followed His direction. Such a beautiful table runner. Thank you for the gifts you share with us.
Oh dear Jenny, I have followed you for a long time. Your beautiful designs are such a gift. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
I'm so sorry Mr. E. is sick - No fun, and that means no lovely grandchildren can come around. I hope he's through it quickly, or it's through with him quickly. =)
Faith is something I've been pondering all through the study of the Epistles of Paul. Today, I noticed that if you read 1 Peter 1:7 carefully, going for the straight sentence and leaving out the extraneous, it says that the trial of faith is more precious than gold. Verse 9 tells us that the object of faith is the salvation of our souls. So indeed, building faith is the most important and valuable thing we can strive to do. Your faith, Jenny, shines as an example to all of us.
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