Tuesday, May 23, 2017

HOPE on a flour sack and in my heart...

I never realised how much I'd love stitching new designs onto flour sack.
But I do. 
It's so soft, yet strong. Like a woman, huh? 

I was at Rosie's last Friday and we talked about flour sack. How sturdy the weave and yet how beautifully it drapes...and how wonderful that back in the 30's during the Great Depression manufacturers made pretty flour sacks so mamas could sew shirts and dresses for their precious little babes.

And that made me think of my own baby girl, Blossom. She'll turn 23 on Friday and you know what she does at night when her own little daughter has gone to bed? She sews beautiful clothes and nightgowns for her sweet child. 

I think the act of sewing for another is a privilege we don't acknowledge often enough. When Blossom and her sisters were little I would always make them a birthday dress and a Christmas dress. The two eldest girls wore matching outfits until daughter number three came along and I found it a bit tedious to sew the same dress three times so from then on they all had different dresses (which they really preferred). 

Seeing what Blossom has sewn for Cully May and hearing the JOY in her voice as she tells me what she's making next takes me back over 30 years and the delight I had doing the same thing when her eldest sister came along. 

I must say, she is a far more accomplished seamstress than I ever was. Her attention to detail, the finishing, the constant study of this dressmaking craft, the honing of skills I've never heard of...this is truly her delight and my heart is filled with happiness for her. 

She loves making clothes the way I love to paint pictures with needle and thread. 
I'm so proud of her, so impressed with the young woman, the young mother she has become.

Over the years I have HOPED so much for each of my children, hoped for good health, hoped for happiness, hoped they would walk with Jesus, hoped for good spouses, hoped their arms would be filled with children, hoped they have generous hearts...and though many hopes are still being hoped for, I am very grateful for the hopes which I've seen come to fruition.

We must never lose hope in our children.

HOPE always.

But back to my visit with Rosie.

We hadn't seen each other for a few months and I'd forgotten all about my February birthday, but that sweet friend had not. 
It's rather lovely to celebrate your birthday again three months after the event!

Look what she made me...

The most beautiful zippered pouch (it's quite large so I can pop my sewing in there when I visit next time), and an inspirational gift tag that tugged at my heartstrings.

Her stitching is exquisite...but her friendship is priceless.

I hope your week has started well?
May it be a bounty of blessings each and every day!


PS: The HOPE stitchery pattern will be inside the June issue of The Stitchery Club.


Little Quiltsong said...

Beautiful pouch for your birthday - love it! Love your new design and the word 'hope'! Yes, never cease praying and hoping - beautiful!!

Allie-oops Designs said...

Never, never give up hope - love it Jenny. So proud of how Blossom has, well, blossomed. Your birthday pouch is so perfect, so you, what a lovely and thoughtful gift!

cucki said...

Wow it's so beautiful ..I am in love with it
Sending you hugs xx

Connie said...

I love to visit and read your post and drool over the pretties in the pix. You are always an inspiration to me in more than one way too. Lovely gift from Rosie! Thank you for all that you do. Speaking of sewing. matching dresses, my mother did that for my sister and me many years ago. Sometimes she didn't have a new pattern so she would alter the collar by cutting one from newspaper and making it work. And she did her sewing on a treadle machine as she hadn't yet moved to an electric modern machine. Fond memories and your post took me back to those.

Unknown said...

I tried to subscribe, but PayPal wants me to make an account and I don't want to do that. I guess I'll have to make do without your monthly designs. :(

Nina said...

Your posts are always so sweet and peaceful! I just love them. Love your designs, and this gift you received! wow! (what does her little tag say on the patchwork part of it?) Just SEW nice!!!

Anonymous said...

How lovely that you can take such joy in your daughter's motherhood and caring. I do like your Hope stitchery, and the post comments that go with it. I sometimes need that reminder to keep hoping and keep praying for a child. I'm so pleased you had a lovely day with your friend, too. What a wonderful gift she made for you! There's nothing like a stitched gift.

Susan said...

Happy birthday coming up for Blossom. Isn't it nice how birthdays can be extended? You can always say it is your ??1/4 birthday;-). Faith, hope, love and prayer--the best gifts we can give anyone.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Nina, it's in French and the text is so tiny and smudged that I can't make out a few of the words.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Cathy Drolet, what country are you in?

Guida said...

Its a beautiful birthday gift, so good to have wonderful friends. Happy birthday to Blossom for Friday. Take care. Guida.

Ondrea said...

Such a beautiful gift and so you! Love your HOPE stitchery. I have never used flour sack fabric before infact I have no idea where to get it. I do know that they used to produce the sacks in different coloured designs and some had the outline drawn on them of a doll you could cut out and make. I think we all have dreams for our children and hope for many things. My main hope was for them to achieve their own goals, try to not put too much stress on themselves, and lead ethical lives with compassion and understanding. Ofcourse, I also hoped they would find their soul mates and have healthy loving children. You must be so proud of dear Blossom .

Createology said...

Rosie is Priceless to create such a beautful birthday gift for you. Sewing is always my very most favorite hobby. I used to sew all my clothes. And every day I sewed my little daughter a special outfit from fabric scraps my Grandma would give me. Money was so non-existent back then and I Cherished every piece of scraps. HOPE is always necessary and this stitchery is perfect. So glad I am part of your amazing Stitchery Club Dear. <3

Julie said...

Oh Jenny that gift that Rosie stitched for you bought tears to my eyes ... it is soooo beautiful & very You. Such love & friendship stitched into each tiny stitch.

Baa. xxx said...

It's beautiful Jenny. Friendship and the pouch!

Unknown said...

Hello Jenny, I live in Scotland in the UK and would like to know more about flour sacks. I have heard them mentioned often but not described. How big were they and was the fabric a thick woven cotton? And are feed sacks the same thing? They sound so interesting, I would love to know a little more about them. Thanks, Lesley

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Lesley, I shared more about them in this blog post recently - http://www.elefantz.com/2017/04/flour-sacks-linens-and-herbs.html

Suze said...

Jenny I am late reading this and the post made me smile. I had two girls and for a quite a while they loved to be dressed the same or in a the same materials. Eventually they told me no more. So they ended up with different good summer clothes. Then they went shopping withe father and back came enough stuff to match. So for a few years more they had the same clothing.